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TypeError: <Array>.each is not a function

I have three references to three drop downs on my page, and as each one is changed, I want to run a JavaScript function called validateForm();

My code is below:

jQuery(document).ready(function() {

    var drpSupplier         = document.getElementById('supplier');
    var drpChargeRate       = document.getElementById('formElementChargeRate');
    var drpIDSEmail         = document.getElementById('formElementEmailIDS');
    var formLevel2DDs       = new Array();


    formLevel2DDs.each(function() {
        $(this).change(function() {

But this code is giving me the error:

TypeError: formLevel2DDs.each is not a function

I am using jQuery version 1.8.3 (it is a legacy system).

like image 751
J86 Avatar asked Jan 16 '14 14:01


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2 Answers

There is no each function on arrays.

As Anton points out in the comments, you don't need each at all for what you're doing; see below the fold.

But if you want each, you have three choices:

  1. Wrap your array in a jQuery instance and use jQuery's each: $(formLevel2DDs).each(function(index, entry) { ... });

  2. Use jQuery's $.each: $.each(formLevel2DDs, function(index, entry) { ... });

    Note that this is not the same function as above.

  3. Use forEach (MDN | Spec): formLevel2DDs.forEach(function(entry, index, array) { ... });

    Note that forEach is new as of ECMAScript5. All modern browsers have it, but you'll need a shim/polyfill for older ones (like IE8). Also note that the order of the arguments to the callback is different than either of the options above.

But to Anton's point, you can do that much more simply:

There's no reason to use getElementById directly in this case, it's not in a tight loop or anything, so:

jQuery(document).ready(function() {

    $("#supplier, #formElementChargeRate, #formElementEmailIDS").change(validateForm);


Note that I've also removed the wrapper function from around validateForm. You may need to add it back if validateForm has a return value, and you don't want that return value to be used by jQuery (specifically: if it returned false, jQuery would stop propagation and prevent the default action of the change event).

If you really wanted to have direct access to the DOM elements using those variables:

jQuery(document).ready(function() {

    var drpSupplier, drpChargeRate, drpIDSEmail;
    var formLevel2DDs       = [
        drpSupplier         = document.getElementById('supplier'),
        drpChargeRate       = document.getElementById('formElementChargeRate'),
        drpIDSEmail         = document.getElementById('formElementEmailIDS')

like image 58
T.J. Crowder Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 17:10

T.J. Crowder

If you want to use .each() you must wrap the array with jQuery like this

$(formLevel2DDs).each(function() {

It's not necessary to use a loop in this case, just use .change() on the array wrapped with jQuery

like image 43
Anton Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 17:10
