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Add a delimiter to an integer in Phoenix Framework

So let's say I have a number like 123456789 and I want to convert it to a string and present it as 123,456,789 or 123 456 789 and etc. What is the best way to do that?

like image 237
NoDisplayName Avatar asked Dec 14 '22 11:12


1 Answers

I don't think there's a built in way. For general formatting you can use :io.format/2 Here's one way to do it:

|> Integer.to_char_list
|> Enum.reverse
|> Enum.chunk_every(3)
|> Enum.join(",")
|> String.reverse

# "123,456,789"

Edit: here is a solution that also works for decimals. It optionally allows setting custom separators:

defmodule Formatter do
  @doc """
  ## Examples

      iex> Formatter.format_number(1)

      iex> Formatter.format_number(123)

      iex> Formatter.format_number(1234)

      iex> Formatter.format_number(123456789)

      iex> Formatter.format_number(-123456789)

      iex> Formatter.format_number(12345.6789)

      iex> Formatter.format_number(-12345.6789)

      iex> Formatter.format_number(123456789, thousands_separator: "")

      iex> Formatter.format_number(-123456789, thousands_separator: "")

      iex> Formatter.format_number(12345.6789, thousands_separator: "")

      iex> Formatter.format_number(-12345.6789, thousands_separator: "")

      iex> Formatter.format_number(123456789, decimal_separator: ",", thousands_separator: ".")

      iex> Formatter.format_number(-123456789, decimal_separator: ",", thousands_separator: ".")

      iex> Formatter.format_number(12345.6789, decimal_separator: ",", thousands_separator: ".")

      iex> Formatter.format_number(-12345.6789, decimal_separator: ",", thousands_separator: ".")

  @regex ~r/(?<sign>-?)(?<int>\d+)(\.(?<frac>\d+))?/

  def format_number(number, options \\ []) do
    thousands_separator = Keyword.get(options, :thousands_separator, ",")
    parts = Regex.named_captures(@regex, to_string(number))

    formatted_int =
      |> String.graphemes
      |> Enum.reverse
      |> Enum.chunk_every(3)
      |> Enum.join(thousands_separator)
      |> String.reverse

    decimal_separator =
      if parts["frac"] == "" do
        Keyword.get(options, :decimal_separator, ".")

    to_string [parts["sign"], formatted_int, decimal_separator, parts["frac"]]
like image 53
Patrick Oscity Avatar answered Jan 13 '23 06:01

Patrick Oscity