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Pattern matching maps as function arguments



I'm having trouble writing function clauses where I need to pattern-match against the map and also retain it for use in the function. I'm not able to understand what the syntax will be. Basically I want something like this:

def check_data (arg1, %{"action" => "action1", ...}, arg2) do
  # access other keys of the structure

I'm sure this is very basic, but it's something that seems to be eluding me. I've gone through many tutorials but can't seem to find one that handles this use case.

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ankush981 Avatar asked Dec 19 '22 13:12


1 Answers

To match some keys of a map and also store the whole map in a variable, you can use = variable with the pattern:

def check_data(arg1, %{"action" => "action1"} = map, arg2) do

This function will match any map containing the "action1" in the key "action" (and any other key/value pairs) as the 2nd argument, and store the whole map in map:

iex(1)> defmodule Main do
...(1)>   def check_data(_arg1, %{"action" => "action1"} = map, _arg2), do: map
...(1)> end
iex(2)> Main.check_data :foo, %{}, :bar
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Main.check_data/3
    iex:2: Main.check_data(:foo, %{}, :bar)
iex(2)> Main.check_data :foo, %{"action" => "action1"}, :bar
%{"action" => "action1"}
iex(3)> Main.check_data :foo, %{"action" => "action1", :foo => :bar}, :bar
%{:foo => :bar, "action" => "action1"}
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Dogbert Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 22:01
