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Add a border with cornerRadius to an Image in SwiftUI Xcode beta 5

how can I add a border with a cornerRadius to an Image. I get a deprecation warning saying that i should use a RoundedRectange Shape, but i don't know how to use that exactly

Beta 4:

Image(uiImage: ...)    .border(Color.black, width: 2, cornerRadius: 10) 
like image 441
SwiftiSwift Avatar asked Jul 30 '19 10:07


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Tip: Use stroke() or strokeBorder() with shapes, and border() with other view types.

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To change that, and make the shape view act as a border, all we have to do is to apply a stroke to it, passing as argument the desired color. Text("Borders in SwiftUI!") Text("Borders in SwiftUI!")

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How can you do that? print("Hello button tapped!" In the code, we use a RoundedRectangle and its stroke modifier to create the rounded border. You can modify the color and line width to adjust its appearance.

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SwiftUI Image – Corner Radius To set corner radius for Image, add cornerRadius() modifier to the Image view. The cornerRadius() modifier takes radius value fo type CGFloat as argument.

2 Answers

SwiftUI 1.0

Using cornerRadius & overlay Modifiers

Here is another way in which we can use a cornerRadius modifier (which clips the view) and then overlay a stroke with a color.

VStack(spacing: 40) {     Text("Image Border").font(.largeTitle)     Text("Using cornerRadius & overlay").font(.title).foregroundColor(.gray)     Text("Using cornerRadius will also clip the image. Then overlay a border.")         .frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity)         .font(.title)         .padding()         .background(Color.orange)         .foregroundColor(.black)      Image("profile")         .cornerRadius(10)         .overlay(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10)             .stroke(Color.orange, lineWidth: 4))         .shadow(radius: 10) } 


enter image description here

like image 138
Mark Moeykens Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 01:10

Mark Moeykens

Consider this: adding a modifier to a view will return a new View instance that wraps the previous instance. This is also why the order in which you add modifiers matters.

We can use this to our advantage: by adding a padding, then adding a background to our new View, we can create our own additional layers:

Image("cat")     .cornerRadius(7) // Inner corner radius     .padding(5) // Width of the border     .background(Color.primary) // Color of the border     .cornerRadius(10) // Outer corner radius 

Results in:

enter image description here

You can even turn this in a ViewModifier to be reusable more easily:

struct RoundedEdge: ViewModifier {     let width: CGFloat     let color: Color     let cornerRadius: CGFloat      func body(content: Content) -> some View {         content.cornerRadius(cornerRadius - width)             .padding(width)             .background(color)             .cornerRadius(cornerRadius)     } } 

Using it would become:

Image("cat").modifier(RoundedEdge(width: 5, color: .black, cornerRadius: 20)) 

This workd for any SwiftUI View, like Text:

Text("Some text")     .padding(15)     .background(Color.red)     .modifier(RoundedEdge(width: 5, color: .black, cornerRadius: 20)) 

Results in:

enter image description here

like image 27
Kevin R Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 02:10

Kevin R