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How can I set the cornerRadius of a UIStackView?

I'm updating my app to use UIStackViews, now that most people should have updated to iOS 9.

In the old version, I made a UIView consisting of two UITextFields and set its layer.cornerRadius property.

In the new version, I created a UIStackView consisting of the same two UITextFields, instead of the UIView. When I try setting its layer.cornerRadius property nothing seems to happen. The documentation doesn't seem to have any helpful/relevant information.

like image 910
WallyAmerica Avatar asked Nov 25 '15 23:11


2 Answers

UIStackView just manages the position and size of its arranged views, the cornerRadius has no effect. Try to add a custom view below the stackView and set the cornerRadius of it.

like image 96
ZHZ Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 12:09


add cornerRadius on stackview's superview and enable clipsToBounds property of the superview so that the subviews are confined to the bounds of the superview.

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tahmina Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 13:09
