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Accurately testing Pypy vs CPython performance

The Problem Description:

I have this custom "checksum" function:

NORMALIZER = 0x10000

def get_checksum(part1, part2, salt="trailing"):
    """Returns a checksum of two strings."""

    combined_string = part1 + part2 + " " + salt if part2 != "***" else part1
    ords = [ord(x) for x in combined_string]

    checksum = ords[0]  # initial value

    # TODO: document the logic behind the checksum calculations
    iterator = zip(ords[1:], ords)
    checksum += sum(x + 2 * y if counter % 2 else x * y
                    for counter, (x, y) in enumerate(iterator))
    checksum %= NORMALIZER

    return checksum

Which I want to test on both Python3.6 and PyPy performance-wise. I'd like to see if the function would perform better on PyPy, but I'm not completely sure, what is the most reliable and clean way to do it.

What I've tried and the Question:

Currently, I'm using timeit for both:

$ python3.6 -mtimeit -s "from test import get_checksum" "get_checksum('test1' * 100000, 'test2' * 100000)"
10 loops, best of 3: 329 msec per loop

$ pypy -mtimeit -s "from test import get_checksum" "get_checksum('test1' * 100000, 'test2' * 100000)"
10 loops, best of 3: 104 msec per loop

My concern is I'm not absolutely sure if timeit is the right tool for the job on PyPy because of the potential JIT warmup overhead.

Plus, the PyPy itself reports the following before reporting the test results:

WARNING: timeit is a very unreliable tool. use perf or something else for real measurements
pypy -m pip install perf
pypy -m perf timeit -s 'from test import get_checksum' "get_checksum('test1' * 1000000, 'test2' * 1000000)"

What would be the best and most accurate approach to test the same exact function performance across these and potentially other Python implementations?

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alecxe Avatar asked Feb 07 '17 17:02


People also ask

Is PyPy faster than CPython?

PyPy often runs faster than CPython because PyPy uses a just-in-time compiler. Most Python code runs well on PyPy except for code that depends on CPython extensions, which either does not work or incurs some overhead when run in PyPy.

Should I use PyPy or CPython?

PyPy works best with pure Python apps Numpy, for instance, works very well with PyPy now. But if you want maximum compatibility with C extensions, use CPython.

How much faster is PyPy?

In this small synthetic benchmark, PyPy is roughly 94 times as fast as Python! For more serious benchmarks, you can take a look at the PyPy Speed Center, where the developers run nightly benchmarks with different executables.

Is PyPy faster than C++?

Pypy is as fast as or faster than c/c++ in some applications/benchmarks. And with python (or interpreted langs in general) you gain a repl, a shorter write -> compile -> test loop, and generally speaking a higher rate of development.

2 Answers

You could increase the number of repetitions with the --repeat parameter in order to improve timing accuracy. see:


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Haroldo_OK Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 14:10


It is not entirely clear what you are trying to measure. "Performance" can mean a variety of things depending on your use-case.

  • Are you trying to measure raw speed of the function once everything is warmed up (JIT in particular but also library imports, file loading, etc...)? Then you probably want to --repeat a lot like Haroldo_OK suggested. With enough repetitions, the time spent in other parts of your code would become progressively "insignificant".
  • are you measuring things for the sake of learning or for a real world use case? If the latter, it is probably a good idea to test your code under similar conditions (length of the strings you're passing to your function, number of iterations, warm/cold calling of your code...). My impression is that using the python interface instead of the CLI would give you more flexibility to measure exactly what you're after.

Of note, timeit turns off garbage collection, so if you're looking for "real world" measurements, maybe you want to turn it back on (see the link for how to do it).

If you're trying to improve the speed, using a profiler like cProfile which is supported by both Python3.6 and pypy could help with isolating the code whose speed you want to measure?

I'm not actually answering your question, but I hope it helps :)

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Laurent S Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 14:10

Laurent S