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Accessing multiple property files with @PropertyResource in Spring


Using the new @PropertySource annotation in Spring 3.1, how can you access multiple property files with Environment?

Currently I have:

@Controller @Configuration  @PropertySource(     name = "props",     value = { "classpath:File1.properties", "classpath:File2.properties" }) public class TestDetailsController {   @Autowired private Environment env; /**  * Simply selects the home view to render by returning its name.  */ @RequestMapping(value = "/", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String home(Locale locale, Model model) {      String file1Name = env.getProperty("file1.name","file1.name not found");             String file2Name = env.getProperty("file2.name","file2.name not found");              System.out.println("file 1: " + file1Name);             System.out.println("file 2: " + file2Name);      return "home"; } 

The result is the correct file name from File1.properties, but file2.name not found. How can access File2.properties?

like image 472
E Paiz Avatar asked Jan 24 '13 15:01

E Paiz

People also ask

Which is the correct way to access those multiple properties in Spring?

Multiple Properties can be accessed in Spring by either, @PropertySource( {"name1", "name2"} )

Can we have multiple property files in spring boot?

properties” property file, as it was automatically built inside the Spring boot application when the project is initially created. We can create and maintain multiple property files within “Resources” module, where we will be able to define different types of property values in different files.

2 Answers

If you can migrate to Spring 4.x the problem has been solved with the new @PropertySources annotation:

@PropertySources({         @PropertySource("/file1.properties"),         @PropertySource("/file2.properties") }) 
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user2731143 Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09


Multiple Properties can be accessed in Spring by either,

  • @PropertySource( {"name1", "name2"} )
  • @PropertySorces( { @PropertySource("name1"), @PropertySource("name2") } )

Example of @PropertySource,

@PropertySource({         "classpath:hibernateCustom.properties",         "classpath:hikari.properties" }) 

Example of @PropertySources,

@PropertySources({         @PropertySource("classpath:hibernateCustom.properties"),         @PropertySource("classpath:hikari.properties") }) 

After you specify properties path you can access them through Environment instance as you usually did

NOTE: Only these simply did not work for me though

I was getting compilation error as I was using property values to configure my app context. I tried all that I found through web but they did not work for me !

Until I configured Spring context as below,

applicationContext.setServletContext(servletContext); applicationContext.refresh(); 


public class SpringWebAppInitializer implements WebApplicationInitializer{      @Override     public void onStartup(ServletContext servletContext) throws ServletException {         // Create the 'root' Spring application context         AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext applicationContext = new AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext();         // register config class i.e. where i used @PropertySource         applicationContext.register(AppContextConfig.class);         // below 2 are added to make @PropertySources/ multi properties file to work         applicationContext.setServletContext(servletContext);         applicationContext.refresh();          // other config     } } 

For your information, I am using Spring 4.3

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Arif Rahman Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09

Arif Rahman