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How to fix an element after scroll in an AngularJS webpage


I recently made a website in AngularJs. I am still in the learning phase. I wish to fix an element on a page after it reaches the top. I have tried all sorts of Javascript and Jquery functions. However, they don't seem to be working.

I also tried using Angular UI's ui-scrollfix but it is also not working.

I am sharing my code. It is a partial page. Please advise me a method to achieve the above mentioned effect.

<div class="row pdiv">       <div class="col-md-8 pdiv col-md-offset-2">         <h3><b>About Us</b></h3>         <ul class="nav nav-justified">             <li role="presentation"><a href="" ng-click="scrollTo('weAre')">What are    we?</a></li>             <li role="presentation"><a href="" ng-click="scrollTo('brandsAssociation')">Brands Associations</a></li>             <li role="presentation"><a href="" ng-click="scrollTo('knowUs')">Know Us</a></li>             <li role="presentation"><a href="" ng-click="scrollTo('motto')">Our Motto</a></li>         </ul>     </div>      <div id="weAre" class="col-md-8 pdiv col-md-offset-2">     <br>     <h4><b>What are we?</b></h4>     <p>Some content goes here.</p>     <br>     <br>     <br>     <br>     <br>     <br>     </div>      <div id="brandsAssociation" class="col-md-8 pdiv col-md-offset-2">     <br>     <h4><b>Brands Associations</b></h4>     <p>Some content goes here.</p>     <br>     <br>     <br>     <br>     <br>     <br>     </div>      <div id="knowUs" class="col-md-8 pdiv col-md-offset-2">     <br>     <h4><b>Know Us</b></h4>     <p>Some content goes here.</p>     <br>     <br>     <br>     <br>     <br>     <br>     </div>      <div id="motto" class="col-md-8 pdiv col-md-offset-2">     <br>     <h4><b>Our Motto</b></h4>     <p>Some content goes here.</p>     <br>     <br>     <br>     <br>     <br>     <br>     </div>  </div>   <a href="" ng-click="scrollTo('header')"><span id="toTop" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up"></span></a> 

I need to fix the ul class .nav .nav-justified after it hits the top of the page.

I am using bootstrap.

here are the javascript dependencies.

<script src="angular/angular.min.js"></script> <script src="angular/angular-route.js"></script> <script src="js/jquery.js"></script> <script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> 

Please help...

like image 331
Anjul Garg Avatar asked Nov 30 '14 09:11

Anjul Garg

People also ask

How do I fix a div when scrolling?

To make div fixed scrolling to that div with CSS, we can use the position: sticky CSS property. position: -webkit-sticky; position: sticky; top: 0; z-index: 1; to set position to sticky and z-index to 1 to make the element with the sticky position show on top after we scroll to it.

How do you make the element not move when scrolling?

position:fixed; An element with fixed position is positioned relative to the browser window. It will not move even if the window is scrolled. Show activity on this post. Now, it should not scroll with the rest of the page or the parent element.

Which position will keep the element in the same place regardless of scrolling?

An element with position:fixed is fixed with respect to the viewport. It stays where it is, even if the document is scrolled.

2 Answers

To fix your ul to the top when it hits the top of the page on scroll, you can put a directive on it that checks for the window's scrollTop() exceeding the ul element's offset top. When that occurs, the directive can just add a class to the element that fixes it to the top.

So your ul markup would look like this, with new directive set-class-when-at-top on it:

<ul class="nav nav-justified" set-class-when-at-top="fix-to-top"> 

That directive would add the CSS class fix-to-top to the element when the element hits the top of the page. The directive definition would look like this:

app.directive('setClassWhenAtTop', function ($window) {   var $win = angular.element($window); // wrap window object as jQuery object    return {     restrict: 'A',     link: function (scope, element, attrs) {       var topClass = attrs.setClassWhenAtTop, // get CSS class from directive's attribute value           offsetTop = element.offset().top; // get element's offset top relative to document        $win.on('scroll', function (e) {         if ($win.scrollTop() >= offsetTop) {           element.addClass(topClass);         } else {           element.removeClass(topClass);         }       });     }   }; }); 

If you wanted to get a bit cheeky, you could even reduce your scroll handler to just one line:

$win.on('scroll', function (e) {   element[($win.scrollTop() >= offsetTop) ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](topClass); }); 

And the fix-to-top CSS class would just be something like this:

.fix-to-top {   position: fixed;   top: 0; } 

Here's a fiddle.

like image 99
MikeJ Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 01:10


I started using MikeJ's great answer to get started, but quickly realized a few shortcomings:

  1. Didn't account for when content above the element changes dynamically after the directive is first parsed
  2. Content below the fixed element moved up the height of the element when it became fixed and was removed from the normal document flow
  3. If this element is being fixed below something else (like a top menu) you may have some trouble calculating the right spot; you need to fix it before the offset top is past where the $win.scrollTop() is, so that it doesn't disappear behind that menu and then get fixed after.

To fix these, I came up with a modified version:

function setClassWhenAtTop($window) {     var $win = angular.element($window);      return {         restrict: "A",         link: function (scope, element, attrs) {             var topClass = attrs.setClassWhenAtTop,                 topPadding = parseInt(attrs.paddingWhenAtTop, 10),                 parent = element.parent(),                 offsetTop;              $win.on("scroll", function () {                 // dynamic page layout so have to recalculate every time;                 // take offset of parent because after the element gets fixed                 // it now has a different offset from the top                 offsetTop = parent.offset().top - topPadding;                 if ($win.scrollTop() >= offsetTop) {                     element.addClass(topClass);                     parent.height(element.height());                 } else {                     element.removeClass(topClass);                     parent.css("height", null);                 }             });         }     }; } 

This requires the element you are fixing to be wrapped in an empty parent that only contains the element to fix. This is to handle both knowing where the original offset of the element was (for putting it back into the document flow) and to have the height of the original element to keep the document flow as it was. In addition, pass in an attribute for paddingWhenAtTop to fix it sooner (or later if desired).

Usage in the HTML changes like so:

<div>   <ul class="nav nav-justified" set-class-when-at-top="fix-to-top" padding-when-at-top="50"> </div> 
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RebelFist Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 00:10
