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Skip and return objects from list of object using Lodash/Underscore


I need to perform an operation similar to the following written in C#:

int[] items = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }; var a = items.Skip(2).Take(3); 

Which return 3, 4 and 5

Similarly I need to skip records from a list of object

$scope.myObject = [ { Editable: true, Name: "Daniel Test", Site: "SE100"},                     { Editable: true, Name: "Test new", Site: "SE100"},                     { Editable: false, Name: "Test", Site: "SE100"} ] 

I need to skip first record and get back the remaining records, meaning 1-nth record

How can I do this using lodash/underscore?

like image 852
RandomUser Avatar asked Nov 07 '14 12:11


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2 Answers

In Lodash the first and rest functions behave differently to Underscore. Namely they do not accept a length argument. Instead drop and take should be used:

const a = _.take(_.drop(items, skipCount), takeCount);  // or  const a = _(items).drop(skipCount).take(takeCount).value(); 
like image 53
Rhys van der Waerden Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 19:09

Rhys van der Waerden

Underscore's first and rest should do the trick:

var a = _.first( _.rest(items, 2), 3); 

and rest on it's own can be used to skip the first record:

$scope.allButTheFirst = _.rest( $scope.myObject, 1) 

Chaining can be used to make the statement slightly more pleasing to the eye and therefore improve transparency:

var a = _.chain(items)     .rest(2)     .first(3)     .value(); 

As pointed out in @RhysvanderWaerden's answer, when using lodash use drop instead of first and take instead of rest.

like image 43
Gruff Bunny Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 18:09

Gruff Bunny