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Accessing another project's settings file

Is there a way to access the settings file from a different project? For example, I have a solution that contains 2 projects (Lets call them Proj1 and Proj2). I want to access the application settings of Proj2 from Program.cs in Proj1. Is this possible?

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KrisTrip Avatar asked Mar 30 '10 20:03


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1 Answers

The answer if you are using C#:
The very simple answer is to right click on proj2, choose the settings tab. On the top, you will find the access modifier of the settings class is: internal, change it to public. Add a reference to the proj2 in the proj1 in order to see the proj2 Settings class. That's all.

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Nour El-Dien Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 03:10

Nour El-Dien