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Access ViewPager's Parent Fragment View in child fragment of Pager

I want to access a parent Fragment views in a child fragment which is attached with a View Pager. Means Parent Fragment contains a View Pager and View Pager then have a Fragment, and I want to use Parent Fragment Views in current Fragment of Pager.

Parent Fragment---->(Contains)View Pager------>(Contains)Child Fragment. Child Fragment wants to use Parent Fragment multiple views. Please suggest any solution regarding the same.

Thanks in advance.

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Sanat Pandey Avatar asked Sep 25 '14 13:09

Sanat Pandey

3 Answers

in your child fragment use:

ParentFragment frag = ((ParentFragment)this.getParentFragment());

and in your parent fragment you can store the references of your required views and use getter setter to access them, another solution is creating a listener interface. follow below link to find out how to implement:


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mmlooloo Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 11:09


Inside Parent Fragment

     ViewPagerAdapter adapter = new ViewPagerAdapter(getChildFragmentManager())

make sure it is getChildFragmentManager()

and inside the child fragment, to access anything from parent fragment

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minato Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 11:09


You can use the below code.

        FloatingActionButton fab =  getParentFragment().getView().findViewById(R.id.menu_item);
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Saurabh Singh Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 09:09

Saurabh Singh