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Logcat doesn't work in android studio



I use android studio 0.4.2 and logcat does not work (its just empty). USB debugging is enabled, filters are disabled and log level is verbose. Any ideas?

like image 455
user3178137 Avatar asked Jan 20 '14 15:01


People also ask

Can not find Logcat in Android Studio?

Go to Project Structure -> Facets -> “+” -> Android -> Select Project Logcat should now be visible.

How do I restart Logcat?

Solution 1: Restarting Logcat You need to press Alt + 6 twice to restart the Logcat. Restarting logcat often helps when it becomes irresponsive.

How do I use logcat in Android Studio?

Logcat window in Android Studio is used to display real-time system messages and messages that are added in the Log class of the app. To open Logcat Click View > Tool Windows > Logcat (Alt + 6 or from the toolbar window). Sometimes logcat shows nothing and it’s completely blank.

How do I view app logs in Android Studio?

As of Android Studio 2.2, the Run window also displays log messages for the current running app. Note that you can configure the logcat output display, but not the Run window. To display the log messages for an app: Build and run your app on a device. Click View > Tool Windows > Logcat (or click Logcat in the tool window bar).

How to view log messages on logcat console?

5) Go to Tools -> Android -> Android Device Monitor (DDMS) Now you would see Devices tab at the right side, you would see a view menu icon, just click on it and Reset adb Now you should be able to get the log messages displayed on the LogCat console. i hope any of these much solution can help you!!! Show activity on this post.

How to fix logcat not showing up?

To open Logcat Click View > Tool Windows > Logcat (Alt + 6 or from the toolbar window). Sometimes logcat shows nothing and it’s completely blank. This happens often and there can be different reasons. Below are some quick solutions that might work. You need to press Alt + 6 twice to restart the Logcat.

2 Answers

In logcat, try going to the bottom right corner where there is a ">>" and select that. It restarts it.

like image 149
moo5e Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 11:10


Click on the "Debug App" Icon next to the "Run App" Icon or press SHIFT + F9. That seems to do the trick for me.

like image 39
iflp Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 12:10
