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access fields of an array within pyspark dataframe

I am developing sql queries to a spark dataframe that are based on a group of ORC files. The program goes like this:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark_session = SparkSession.builder.appName("test").getOrCreate()
sdf = spark_session.read.orc("../data/")

Now I have a table called "test". If I do something like:

spark_session.sql("select count(*) from test")

then the result will be fine. But I need to get more columns in the query, including some of the fields in array.

In [8]: sdf.take(1)[0]["person"]
[Row(name='name', value='tom'),
 Row(name='age', value='20'),
 Row(name='gender', value='m')]

I have tried something like:

spark_session.sql("select person.age, count(*) from test group by person.age")

But this does not work. My question is: how to access the fields in the "person" array?



result of sdf.printSchema()

In [3]: sdf.printSchema()
 |-- person: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- customtags: array (nullable = true)
 |    |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)
 |    |    |-- name: string (nullable = true)
 |    |    |-- value: string (nullable = true)

Error messages:

AnalysisException: 'No such struct field age in name, value; line 16 pos 8'
like image 495
Bo Qiang Avatar asked Feb 16 '18 20:02

Bo Qiang

1 Answers

I don't know how to do this using only PySpark-SQL, but here is a way to do it using PySpark DataFrames.

Basically, we can convert the struct column into a MapType() using the create_map() function. Then we can directly access the fields using string indexing.

Consider the following example:

Define Schema

schema = StructType([
        StructField('person', IntegerType()),
                        StructField('name', StringType()),
                        StructField('value', StringType())

Create Example DataFrame

data = [
            {'name': 'name', 'value': 'tom'},
            {'name': 'age', 'value': '20'},
            {'name': 'gender', 'value': 'm'}
            {'name': 'name', 'value': 'jerry'},
            {'name': 'age', 'value': '20'},
            {'name': 'gender', 'value': 'm'}
            {'name': 'name', 'value': 'ann'},
            {'name': 'age', 'value': '20'},
            {'name': 'gender', 'value': 'f'}
df = sqlCtx.createDataFrame(data, schema)
#|person|customtags                          |
#|1     |[[name,tom], [age,20], [gender,m]]  |
#|2     |[[name,jerry], [age,20], [gender,m]]|
#|3     |[[name,ann], [age,20], [gender,f]]  |

Convert the struct column to a map

from operator import add
import pyspark.sql.functions as f

df = df.withColumn(
                     f.col('customtags')['value'][i]] for i in range(3)
    .select('person', 'customtags')

#|person|customtags                                |
#|1     |Map(name -> tom, age -> 20, gender -> m)  |
#|2     |Map(name -> jerry, age -> 20, gender -> m)|
#|3     |Map(name -> ann, age -> 20, gender -> f)  |

The catch here is that you have to know apriori the length of the ArrayType() (in this case 3) as I don't know of a way to dynamically loop over it. This also assumes that the array has the same length for all rows.

I had to use reduce(add, ...) here because create_map() expects pairs of elements in the form of (key, value).

Group by fields in the map column

#| name|count|
#|  ann|    1|
#|jerry|    1|
#|  tom|    1|

#|     m|    2|
#|     f|    1|
like image 179
pault Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 07:10
