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zsh prompt function not running



I am trying to learn about custom prompts in zsh, and I am having the following issue:

With this code:

  echo $PWD 

export PROMPT=$'%{%F{134}%}$(print_dir)%{%f%}
%{%F{231}%}❯%{%f%} '

I get this output instead of the result of the function:


I know this function is not needed here, but I want to expand it as I learn.

Why is the function not executing?

like image 495
richsoni Avatar asked Mar 04 '13 22:03


1 Answers

You need to do setopt prompt_subst. This is documented in the zshoptions man page, which viewable on the zsh website.

like image 153
qqx Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 17:10
