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Zooming editor window android studio [duplicate]

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How to zoom in Editor Android Studio?

In Preferences > Editor, there's an option "Change font size (Zoom) with Command+Mouse Wheel".

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This example demonstrates how do I Zoom In and Zoom Out an android ImageView. Step 1 − Create a new project in Android Studio, go to File ⇒ New Project and fill all required details to create a new project. Step 2 − Add the following code to res/layout/activity_main. xml.

What is the correct syntax to change the font size in Android Studio?

Go to File -> Settings, a new setting dialogue box will appear. Then go to Editor -> General. Now mark the checkbox Change font size with Ctrl + Mouse wheel and click on Apply button. Now to change your editor font size, you just have to press and hold Ctrl and rotate the Mouse wheel.

Modify the settings of the android studio as shown below

Step 1: Open Android Studio and Go to File

Step 2: Open Settings

Step 3: Click on Editor

Step 4: Click General

Step 5: Check Change font size (Zoom) with Ctrl+Mouse Wheel (as shown in below snapshot)

enter image description here

In Preferences > Editor, there's an option "Change font size (Zoom) with Command+Mouse Wheel". (I'm on MacOS; on other platforms it might be control+mouse wheel).

You can also go into Preferences > Keymap > Editor Actions > Decrease Font Size/Increase Font Size/Reset Font Size and bind some keys to those commands.

IntelliJ and Android Studio have decent built-in search for finding application functions. In the preferences dialog, you can just start typing to do search (you can just start typing from a lot of places in the UI to begin a search); there's also a search box.

There's a key binding for searching actions by name; on MacOS it's command-shift-A. That's a super-handy feature.

When i update the android studio to the latest version now 2.0 the font changed and became bigger.

the provided solutions allow a change of font size just for the current page (opened page) if you want to change your entire font size of android studio you have to do this :

go to Settings>Editor>Colors&Fonts>Font

then click on "save as" and create a new profile name it "my profile" for example

enter image description here

and finally you can put the font of that profile, i put 12 so it was the previous version

There is a alternative way to do zoom of my code, using View --> Enter presentation Mode

enter image description here

On a 2016 Macbook air without an external mouse, do the accepted answer, and pinch on the trackpad to shrink the text, reverse pinch to enlarge.

For MacBook Users:

To change font size:

Select **Android Studio** menu (which is present next to Apple icon)-->Preferences--->Editor-->Font-->Size(give size)-->ok

To zoom in and out in Editor:

Select **Android Studio** menu -->Editor-->General-->change font size (zoom) with command and mouse wheel-->ok