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Error: Configuration with name 'default' not found in Android Studio

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What is default config in Android Studio?

Specifies defaults for properties that the Android application plugin applies to all build variants. Specifies defaults for properties that the Android dynamic-feature plugin applies to all build variants.

Where is Configure option in Android Studio?

Open your project in Android Studio and select File > Settings... > Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > Gradle (Android Studio > Preferences... > Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > Gradle on a Mac).

What is default configuration in gradle?

The default configuration extends from the runtime configuration, which means that it contains all the dependencies and artifacts of the runtime configuration, and potentially more. You can add dependencies and artifacts in the usual way (using a dependencies / artifacts block in B's build script).


git submodule init
git submodule update

Add your library folder in your root location of your project and copy all the library files there. For ex YourProject/library then sync it and rest things seems OK to me.

This is probably a rare case, but for me a library that was included in the settings.gradle was not there.

E.g. I had: include ':libraries:Android-RateThisApp:library' in my settings.gradle

but the folder Android-RateThisApp was empty. As soon as I checked out this submodule the gradle sync succeed.

If you want to use the same library folder for several projects, you can reference it in gradle to an external location like this:


include 'app', ':volley'
project(':volley').projectDir = new File('../libraries/volley')

in your app build.gradle

dependencies {
    compile project(':volley')

I also facing this issue but i follow the following steps:-- 1) I add module(Library) to a particular folder name ThirdPartyLib

To resolve this issue i go settings.gradle than just add follwing:-

project(':').projectDir = new File('ThirdPartyLib/')

:- is module name...