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Zipping an `std::tuple` and variadic arguments

I have the following class:

template<typename... Tkeys>
class C
    std::tuple<std::unordered_map<Tkeys, int>... > maps;

    // Not real function:
    void foo(Tkeys... keys) {
        maps[keys] = 1;

How would I implement foo so that it assigns to each std::map in maps gets called with it matching key?

For example, if I have

C<int, int, float, std::string> c;

and I called

c.foo(1, 2, 3.3, "qwerty")

then c.maps should be equivalent to

m1 = std::map<int, int>()
m1[1] = 1;
m2 = std::map<int, int>()
m2[2] = 1;
m3 = std::map<float, int>()
m3[3.3] = 1;
m4 = std::map<std::string, int>()
m4["qwerty"] = 1;
c.maps = std::make_tuple(m1, m2, m3, m4);
like image 343
Baruch Avatar asked May 23 '16 11:05


2 Answers

#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <tuple>
#include <cstddef>

template <typename... Tkeys>
class C
    std::tuple<std::unordered_map<Tkeys, int>... > maps;

    template <typename... Args>
    void foo(Args&&... keys)
        foo_impl(std::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Args)>{}, std::forward<Args>(keys)...);

    template <typename... Args, std::size_t... Is>
    void foo_impl(std::index_sequence<Is...>, Args&&... keys)
        using expand = int[];
        static_cast<void>(expand{ 0, (
            std::get<Is>(maps)[std::forward<Args>(keys)] = 1
        , void(), 0)... });


like image 142
Piotr Skotnicki Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 01:11

Piotr Skotnicki

If you have a compiler that supports C++17 fold expressions then you could have the following simple variadic expansion scheme:

template<typename... Tkeys>
class C {
    template<typename... Args, std::size_t... I>
    void foo_helper(std::index_sequence<I...>, Args&& ...args) {
      ((std::get<I>(maps)[std::forward<Args>(args)] = 1), ...);
    std::tuple<std::unordered_map<Tkeys, int>... > maps;

    void foo(Tkeys... keys) {
      foo_helper(std::index_sequence_for<Tkeys...>{}, std::forward<Tkeys>(keys)...);

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like image 34
101010 Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 02:11