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ZIP Code (US Postal Code) validation

People also ask

How do I verify a US zip code?

US ZIP code (U.S. postal code) allow both the five-digit and nine-digit (called ZIP + 4) formats. E.g. a valid postal code should match 12345 and 12345-6789, but not 1234, 123456, 123456789, or 1234-56789. ^ # Assert position at the beginning of the string. [0-9]{5} # Match a digit, exactly five times.

What makes a valid zip code?

A ZIP+4 Code uses the basic five-digit code plus four additional digits to identify a geographic segment within the five-digit delivery area, such as a city block, a group of apartments, an individual high-volume receiver of mail, a post office box, or any other unit that could use an extra identifier to aid in ...

What is a valid zip code format?

The most complete ZIP Code is a nine-digit number consisting of five digits, a hyphen, and four digits, which the USPS describes by its trademark ZIP+4. The correct format for a numeric ZIP+4 code is five digits, a hyphen, and four digits.

What is the regular expression used to validate a US zip code?

You need to validate a ZIP code (U.S. postal code), allowing both the five-digit and nine-digit (called ZIP+4) formats. The regex should match 12345 and 12345-6789 , but not 1234 , 123456 , 123456789 , or 1234-56789 .

Javascript Regex Literal:

US Zip Codes: /(^\d{5}$)|(^\d{5}-\d{4}$)/

var isValidZip = /(^\d{5}$)|(^\d{5}-\d{4}$)/.test("90210");

Some countries use Postal Codes, which would fail this pattern.

function isValidUSZip(sZip) {
   return /^\d{5}(-\d{4})?$/.test(sZip);

Here's a JavaScript function which validates a ZIP/postal code based on a country code. It allows somewhat liberal formatting. You could add cases for other countries as well. Note that the default case allows empty postal codes since not all countries use them.

function isValidPostalCode(postalCode, countryCode) {
    switch (countryCode) {
        case "US":
            postalCodeRegex = /^([0-9]{5})(?:[-\s]*([0-9]{4}))?$/;
        case "CA":
            postalCodeRegex = /^([A-Z][0-9][A-Z])\s*([0-9][A-Z][0-9])$/;
            postalCodeRegex = /^(?:[A-Z0-9]+([- ]?[A-Z0-9]+)*)?$/;
    return postalCodeRegex.test(postalCode);

FYI The second link referring to vanity ZIP codes appears to have been an April Fool's joke.

If you're doing for Canada remember that not all letters are valid

These letters are invalid: D, F, I, O, Q, or U And the letters W and Z are not used as the first letter. Also some people use an optional space after the 3rd character.

Here is a regular expression for Canadian postal code:

new RegExp(/^[abceghjklmnprstvxy][0-9][abceghjklmnprstvwxyz]\s?[0-9][abceghjklmnprstvwxyz][0-9]$/i)

The last i makes it case insensitive.

Here's one from jQuery Validate plugin's additional-methods.js file...

jQuery.validator.addMethod("zipUS", function(value, element) {
    return /(^\d{5}$)|(^\d{5}-\d{4}$)/.test(value);
}, "Please specify a valid US zip code.");

EDIT: Since the above code is part of the jQuery Validate plugin, it depends on the .addMethod() method.

Remove dependency on plugins and make it more generic....

function checkZip(value) {
    return (/(^\d{5}$)|(^\d{5}-\d{4}$)/).test(value);

Example Usage: http://jsfiddle.net/5PNcJ/