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Chrome extension: Get current tab from popup

I'm writing a Chrome extension and, in one part of it, I need to get the current tab's title and URL when a button on the popup page is clicked.

I've worked with Chrome's message passing system before and, after much effort, managed to get it to work, on many occasions. However, I've never had to use them with popup pages and, from what I've read, it's much more difficult to do.

The timeline I've managed to figure out so far is this:

  1. popup.html / popup.js:    Button is clicked
  2. popup.html / popup.js:    Request / message is sent to the content script
  3. contentScript.js:           Request / message is received from the popup page
  4. contentScript.js:           The title and URL of the current tab are stored in a variable
  5. contentScript.js:           The 2 variables are sent as a stringified response
  6. popup.html / popup.js:    The 2 variables are parsed from the response

Usually I'd be able to figure this out but, I've read a few things that have thrown a spanner in the works, such as:

  • chrome.tabs.getSelected can only be used in a background page / script. Does this mean that content scripts don't need to be used at all?
  • Messages cannot be sent directly from the content script to the popup page, they have to go via a background page
  • A popup window has to be confirmed as existing before a message can be passed to it (although, I think I know how to do this)

I already found Chrome's message passing system difficult enough but, this has totally confused me. Hence, this post.

like image 353
mythofechelon Avatar asked Nov 13 '12 10:11


People also ask

How do I open Chrome extension popup content script?

They've set the default shortcut to Ctrl+D . Activating this command will perform a click on the page (or browser) action, opening the popup or whatever the action is configured to do.

How do I send a message from popup to content script?

When sending a message to the content script, we need to specify which tab to send it to. Therefore, we need to retrieve the active tab information first, and then use tabs. sendMessage . To use the tabs API and to have access to the active tab, you need to add tabs and activeTab under permissions in your manifest.

1 Answers

chrome.tabs.getSelected is deprecated. You should use chrome.tabs.query instead.

chrome.tabs.query requires two parameters: a query object and a callback function that takes the array of resulting tabs as a parameter.

You can get the "current tab" by querying for all tabs which are currently active and are in the current window.

var query = { active: true, currentWindow: true }; 

Since the query will return a Tab array containing the current tab alone, be sure to take the first element in the callback

function callback(tabs) {   var currentTab = tabs[0]; // there will be only one in this array   console.log(currentTab); // also has properties like currentTab.id } 

Et voilà:

chrome.tabs.query(query, callback); 
like image 151
fny Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 14:10
