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Zend framework user authentication integration with Twitter and Facebook

Is there any script based on ZF, which supports normal user signup/login system, along with user authentication throuh Twitter and Facebook.

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Simpanoz Avatar asked Mar 03 '11 02:03


2 Answers

Have a look at An example of OpenID, Facebook and Twitter authentication in Zend Framework 1.11. Altough, the application does not show how to use normal user authentication (it was not the purpose of it) it shows one way of using OpenID (Google, Yahoo, MyOpenId, AOL, OpenId) as well as Facebook Connect and Twitter Oauth for authentication of users. This is more difficult to do in ZF than regular user authentication.

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Marcin Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 22:10


Don't know about twitter but you can use the Facebook PHP SDK easily enough in a ZF project. There's an excellent example in the SDK "examples" folder.

My approach is to

  • Add the Facebook object as an application resource plugin, eg

require_once 'facebook.php';

class My_Application_Resource_Facebook extends Zend_Application_Resource_ResourceAbstract
    public function init()
        $facebook = new Facebook($this->getOptions());

        Zend_Registry::set('facebook', $facebook);

        return $facebook;

  • Check the Facebook session and user in your Bootstrap.php file, adding it to Zend_Auth if applicable
  • Include the Facebook JavaScript SDK in your layout
  • Use the Login Button to authenticate your users

Because the Facebook auth token is cookie based, both your server-side code and client-side JS can access it.

Edit Twitter libraries here - http://dev.twitter.com/pages/libraries#php

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Phil Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 00:10
