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Z80 DAA instruction


Apologies for this seemingly minor question, but I can't seem to find the answer anywhere - I'm just coming up to implementing the DAA instruction in my Z80 emulator, and I noticed in the Zilog manual that it is for the purposes of adjusting the accumulator for binary coded decimal arithmetic. It says the instruction is intended to be run right after an addition or subtraction instruction.

My questions are:

  • what happens if it is run after another instruction?
  • how does it know what instruction preceeded it?
  • I realise there is the N flag - but this surely wouldnt definitively indicate that the previous instruction was an addition or subtraction instruction?
  • Does it just modify the accumulator anyway, based on the conditions set out in the DAA table, regardless of the previous instruction?
like image 843
PhilPotter1987 Avatar asked Nov 14 '11 09:11


People also ask

What does the DAA instruction do?

The DAA instruction is only useful when it follows an ADD instruction that adds (binary addition) two 2-digit, packed BCD values and stores a byte result in the AL register. The DAA instruction then adjusts the contents of the AL register to contain the correct 2-digit, packed BCD result.

Which of the following instruction is used for decimal adjust accumulator after subtraction?

@Alex: the x86 chips have two Decimal Adjust instructions: DAA (Decimal Adjust after Addition) and DAS (Decimal Adjust after Subtraction). The Z80 DAA instruction combines them into one, by assuming that the operands of the most recent add/subtract were valid BCD numbers.

2 Answers

Does it just modify the accumulator anyway, based on the conditions set out in the DAA table, regardless of the previous instruction?

Yes. The documentation is only telling you what DAA is intended to be used for. Perhaps you are referring to the table at this link:

|           | C Flag  | HEX value in | H Flag | HEX value in | Number  | C flag|
| Operation | Before  | upper digit  | Before | lower digit  | added   | After |
|           | DAA     | (bit 7-4)    | DAA    | (bit 3-0)    | to byte | DAA   |
|           |    0    |     0-9      |   0    |     0-9      |   00    |   0   |
|   ADD     |    0    |     0-8      |   0    |     A-F      |   06    |   0   |
|           |    0    |     0-9      |   1    |     0-3      |   06    |   0   |
|   ADC     |    0    |     A-F      |   0    |     0-9      |   60    |   1   |
|           |    0    |     9-F      |   0    |     A-F      |   66    |   1   |
|   INC     |    0    |     A-F      |   1    |     0-3      |   66    |   1   |
|           |    1    |     0-2      |   0    |     0-9      |   60    |   1   |
|           |    1    |     0-2      |   0    |     A-F      |   66    |   1   |
|           |    1    |     0-3      |   1    |     0-3      |   66    |   1   |
|   SUB     |    0    |     0-9      |   0    |     0-9      |   00    |   0   |
|   SBC     |    0    |     0-8      |   1    |     6-F      |   FA    |   0   |
|   DEC     |    1    |     7-F      |   0    |     0-9      |   A0    |   1   |
|   NEG     |    1    |     6-F      |   1    |     6-F      |   9A    |   1   |

I must say, I've never seen a dafter instruction spec. If you examine the table carefully, you will see that the effect of the instruction depends only on the C and H flags and the value in the accumulator -- it doesn't depend on the previous instruction at all. Also, it doesn't divulge what happens if, for example, C=0, H=1, and the lower digit in the accumulator is 4 or 5. So you will have to execute a NOP in such cases, or generate an error message, or something.

like image 109
TonyK Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09


Just wanted to add that the N flag is what they mean when they talk about the previous operation. Additions set N = 0, subtractions set N = 1. Thus the contents of the A register and the C, H and N flags determine the result.

The instruction is intended to support BCD arithmetic but has other uses. Consider this code:

    and  15
    add  a,90h
    adc  a,40h

It ends converting the lower 4 bits of A register into the ASCII values '0', '1', ... '9', 'A', 'B', ..., 'F'. In other words, a binary to hexadecimal converter.

like image 40
George Phillips Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 16:09

George Phillips