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Your key with fingerprint (...) is not authorized to access <yourapp>

I have two heroku accounts with two seperate applications. I am new at this but I think that the key is stuck to one account and isn't allowing me to open another. What do I do, how can I add the other account?

like image 740
mrmartis Avatar asked Feb 28 '12 22:02


1 Answers

Steps to manage multiple Heroku accounts

Install the plugin from the following URL on your machine


In case you run into the problem of finger print authorization issue then follow the below steps

We had similar problem today and resolved it with the following solution

  1. First add account using following command

    heroku accounts:add account_name --auto

    This command would generate separate public key which would be associated with this account so that it does not conflicts with other accounts.

  2. Next step is to create the application for the account using following command

    heroku create app_name --account account_name

  3. Final step is to push the application in the Heroku which is the area where you will experience the fingerprint issue.

    Open the config file in your .ssh folder wherein you will find following entry for your added account.

    Host heroku.account_name

    HostName heroku.com

    IdentityFile /home/icicle/.ssh/identity.heroku.account_name

    IdentitiesOnly yes

    Remove the existing Heroku repository remote and add the new using the following command

    Removing Heroku respository

    git remote rm heroku

    Add new Heroku respository

    git remote add heroku [email protected]_name:app_name.git

    Here heroku.account_name is the one which is added as Host in your ssh config file.

    Now try to push your application and it works.

like image 110
Icicle Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 20:10
