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In what circumstances should I use instance variables instead of other variable types?

I am using Ruby on Rails 3 and I would like to know in what circumstances should I use instance variables instead of other variable types and if there are security reason for those.


# Using an instance variable
@accounts = Account.find(...)

# Using a "local"\"normal" variable
account = Account.find(...)
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user502052 Avatar asked Mar 11 '11 22:03


People also ask

When Should a variable be an instance variable?

Instance Variable: These variables are declared within a class but outside a method, constructor, or block and always get a default value. These variables are usually created when we create an object and are destroyed when the object is destroyed.

Why do we use instance variables?

Instance variables hold values that must be referenced by more than one method, constructor or block, or essential parts of an object's state that must be present throughout the class. Instance variables can be declared at the class level before or after use. Access modifiers can be given for instance variables.

What is the difference between variable and instance variable?

Class variables also known as static variables are declared with the static keyword in a class, but outside a method, constructor or a block. Instance variables are created when an object is created with the use of the keyword 'new' and destroyed when the object is destroyed.

1 Answers

In general an instance variable is local and persisted inside an instance of an object, whereas a local variable is only local and persisted inside a function/object/block scope. For instance:

class User
  def name

  def name= name
    @name = name

def greet user
  name = user.name || 'John'
  p "Hi, my name is #{name}"

user = User.new
greet user
=> 'Hi, my name is John'
=> NameError: undefined local variable or method 'name' for main:Object
user.name = "Mike"
greet user
=> 'Hi, my name is Mike'
=> nil

In the greet function name is a local variable that is only defined within that function. The name variable is set on the first line on the function, name = user.name || 'John', but its value is not persisted outside of the function. When you try calling name you get a NameError because name has only been defined as a local variable within the greet function.

@name is local to the user instance of the User class. When you try calling it outside of that context you get nil. This is one difference between local and instance variables, instance variables return nil if they have not been defined, whereas local non-instance variables raise an Error.

Notice that both variable types are local to a specific context though. @name is defined within the user instance, so when you call user.name you are calling the name function in the user instance, in which @name is defined. name is only defined in the greet function, so when you call p "Hi, my name is #{name}" you are able to get a value for name because you are within the scope in which it is defined.

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Pan Thomakos Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 19:10

Pan Thomakos