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Yii2 - ActiveForm and afterValidate events




I am using ActiveForm with the afterValidate() event, however currently the afterValidate() gets triggered on any validation event. How can I differentiate between the events validateOnSubmit, validateOnBlur and validateOnChange?

Basically, I only want my afterValidate() function to get triggered on submit. Here is my code:


<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin([
    'id' => 'register-form',
    'options' => [
        'class' => 'validate-form',
    'enableClientValidation' => true,
    'enableAjaxValidation' => false,
    'validateOnSubmit' => true,
    'validateOnBlur' => true,
    'validateOnChange' => true,
]); ?>


// JS afterValidate function
$('.validate-form').on('afterValidate', function (event, messages, errorAttributes) {

    return false;


<div class="error-popup">Please review the errors in the form below.</div>

As you can see in my afterValidate() function above, an error popup is shown if there are validation errors. However I only want this to error popup to appear if there are any validation errors when the user submits the form.

If there is a validation error on blur/change then the normal inline validation should occur without any error popup.

From my understanding, beforeSubmit event is only triggered when validation has passed.

like image 675
MAX POWER Avatar asked Jul 06 '20 21:07


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1 Answers

Yii's active form JS save some info into yiiActiveForm data property. There is submitting property that you can use to determine if the form is in validation before form submission.

$('.validate-form').on('afterValidate', function (event, messages, errorAttributes) {
    let data = $('.validate-form').data('yiiActiveForm');
    //check if we are in submission process and if there are any errors
    if (data.submitting && errorAttributes.length > 0) {
like image 86
Michal Hynčica Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 05:10

Michal Hynčica