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Yii urlManager route with query string

This is about setting WebRoot/protected/config/main.php *urlManager* on Yii Framework.

I want a few predefined url like /About /Contact or some other custom special page like /LatestUpdates or /HTCDesire

I can do 'Contact'=>'site/contact' to map /Contact to /site/contact

How can I 'hard code' query string to the route?

I try:


but not working, 404 not found because it expect the right side should be route in format controller/action.

I try:


I can browse to /LatestUpdates but the anchor link still shows /update/view/id/65

Is there any other way?

like image 393
CallMeLaNN Avatar asked Mar 09 '11 17:03


1 Answers

This works for me (except I substituted your values in, so maybe I broke it...):


More about this here and here.


like image 93
thaddeusmt Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 05:10
