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Yii generates error "Unable to resolve the request <controller/action>"



After logged in successfully, Yii does not executing any page.

Showing an error:

Error 404 Unable to resolve the request "membersdet/index"

Here membersdet is controller Id and index is an action.

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Harpreet Singh Avatar asked Apr 11 '12 06:04

Harpreet Singh

3 Answers

Make sure the filename of your controller is EXACTLY "MembersdetController.php". It is case sensitive.

I guess you were developing on local machine under Windows OS and server runs on *nix system. That's normal issue for novice developers, that they forget about case sensitive file system in *nix.

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Johnatan Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 15:10


It is because of wrong controller file name given or may be actionIndex() method is not in your controller.

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radhika Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 15:10


I have had a similar problem and got it solved. In this case the file was correctly named but the class name was wrongly spelled. When these two do not correspond, you could get this error too.

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user3693845 Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 16:10
