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Correct way to bind parameters using MySQL "IN" syntax in Yii2?






Ok, I'm using Yii2 and I'm familiar with preparing/binding data when using mysql queries, such as:

$sql = $this->db->createCommand("UPDATE some_table SET something='foo' WHERE some_id=:some_id");
$sql->bindValue(':some_id', $some_id);

But what about when the value may contain multiple values, such as when using the MySQL syntax IN?

For example:

$sql = $this->db->createCommand("UPDATE some_table SET something='foo' WHERE some_id IN (:parents)");
$sql->bindValue(':parents', $parents);

Now as I understand the above would only work well if the $parents var only had one value; but if it had multiple values such as 1,2,3 then you would end up with something like '1,2,3' when you really want '1','2','3' OR 1,2,3.

What is the correct way to do this?

like image 858
Brett Avatar asked May 02 '15 09:05


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1 Answers

I've found this solution

$params = [];
$sql = \Yii::$app->db->getQueryBuilder()->buildCondition(['IN', 'some_id', $ids], $params);
//$sql = some_id NOT IN (:qp0, :qp1, :qp2)
//$params = [':qp0'=>1, ':qp1'=>2, ':qp2'=>3]
$this->db->createCommand("UPDATE some_table SET something='foo' WHERE $sql", $params);
like image 185
Rjazhenka Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 03:09
