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Yield Request call produce weird result in recursive method with scrapy

I'm trying to scrap all departures and arrivals in one day from all airports in all country using Python and Scrapy.

The JSON database used by this famous site (flight radar) need to query page by page when departure or arrival is > 100 in one airport. I also compute a timestamp based on an actual day UTC for the query.

I try to create a database with this hierarchy:

country 1
 - airport 1
    - departures
      - page 1
      - page ...
    - arrivals
      - page 1
      - page ...
- airport 2
    - departures
      - page 1
      - page ...
    - arrivals
      - page 
      - page ...

I use two methods to compute timestamp and url query by page :

def compute_timestamp(self):
    from datetime import datetime, date
    import calendar
    # +/- 24 heures
    d = date(2017, 4, 27)
    timestamp = calendar.timegm(d.timetuple())
    return timestamp

def build_api_call(self,code,page,timestamp):
    return 'https://api.flightradar24.com/common/v1/airport.json?code={code}&plugin\[\]=&plugin-setting\[schedule\]\[mode\]=&plugin-setting\[schedule\]\[timestamp\]={timestamp}&page={page}&limit=100&token='.format(
        code=code, page=page, timestamp=timestamp)

I store result into CountryItem, which contain lots of AirportItem into airports. My item.py is :

class CountryItem(scrapy.Item):
    name = scrapy.Field()
    link = scrapy.Field()
    num_airports = scrapy.Field()
    airports = scrapy.Field()
    other_url= scrapy.Field()
    last_updated = scrapy.Field(serializer=str)

class AirportItem(scrapy.Item):
    name = scrapy.Field()
    code_little = scrapy.Field()
    code_total = scrapy.Field()
    lat = scrapy.Field()
    lon = scrapy.Field()
    link = scrapy.Field()
    departures = scrapy.Field()
    arrivals = scrapy.Field()

My main parse builds a Country item for all countries (i limit here to Israel for example). Next, I yield for each country a scrapy.Request to scrape airports.

def parse(self, response):
    count_country = 0
    countries = []
    for country in response.xpath('//a[@data-country]'):
        item = CountryItem()
        url =  country.xpath('./@href').extract()
        name = country.xpath('./@title').extract()
        item['link'] = url[0]
        item['name'] = name[0]
        item['airports'] = []
        count_country += 1
        if name[0] == "Israel":
            self.logger.info("Country name : %s with link %s" , item['name'] , item['link'])
            yield scrapy.Request(url[0],meta={'my_country_item':item}, callback=self.parse_airports)

This method scrape information for each airport, and also call for each airport a scrapy.request with airport url to scrape departures and arrivals :

def parse_airports(self, response):
    item = response.meta['my_country_item']
    item['airports'] = []

    for airport in response.xpath('//a[@data-iata]'):
        url = airport.xpath('./@href').extract()
        iata = airport.xpath('./@data-iata').extract()
        iatabis = airport.xpath('./small/text()').extract()
        name = ''.join(airport.xpath('./text()').extract()).strip()
        lat = airport.xpath("./@data-lat").extract()
        lon = airport.xpath("./@data-lon").extract()
        iAirport = AirportItem()
        iAirport['name'] = self.clean_html(name)
        iAirport['link'] = url[0]
        iAirport['lat'] = lat[0]
        iAirport['lon'] = lon[0]
        iAirport['code_little'] = iata[0]
        iAirport['code_total'] = iatabis[0]


    urls = []
    for airport in item['airports']:
        json_url = self.build_api_call(airport['code_little'], 1, self.compute_timestamp())
    if not urls:
        return item

    # start with first url
    next_url = urls.pop()
    return scrapy.Request(next_url, self.parse_schedule, meta={'airport_item': item, 'airport_urls': urls, 'i': 0})

With the recursive method parse_schedule i add each airport to country item. SO members already help me on this point.

def parse_schedule(self, response):
        """we want to loop this continuously to build every departure and arrivals requests"""
        item = response.meta['airport_item']
        i = response.meta['i']
        urls = response.meta['airport_urls']

        urls_departures, urls_arrivals = self.compute_urls_by_page(response, item['airports'][i]['name'], item['airports'][i]['code_little'])

        print("urls_departures = ", len(urls_departures))
        print("urls_arrivals = ", len(urls_arrivals))

        yield scrapy.Request(response.url, self.parse_departures_page, meta={'airport_item': item, 'page_urls': urls_departures, 'i':0 , 'p': 0}, dont_filter=True)

        # now do next schedule items
        if not urls:
            yield item
        url = urls.pop()

        yield scrapy.Request(url, self.parse_schedule, meta={'airport_item': item, 'airport_urls': urls, 'i': i + 1})

the self.compute_urls_by_page method compute correct URLs to retrieve all departure and arrivals for one airport.

def parse_departures_page(self, response):
    item = response.meta['airport_item']
    p = response.meta['p']
    i = response.meta['i']
    page_urls = response.meta['page_urls']

    print("PAGE URL = ", page_urls)

    if not page_urls:
        yield item
    page_url = page_urls.pop()

    print("GET PAGE FOR  ", item['airports'][i]['name'], ">> ", p)

    jsonload = json.loads(response.body_as_unicode())
    json_expression = jmespath.compile("result.response.airport.pluginData.schedule.departures.data")
    item['airports'][i]['departures'] = json_expression.search(jsonload)

    yield scrapy.Request(page_url, self.parse_departures_page, meta={'airport_item': item, 'page_urls': page_urls, 'i': i, 'p': p + 1})

Next, the first yield in parse_schedule which normally call self.parse_departure_page recursive method produces weird results. Scrapy call this method, but I collect the departures page for only one airport i don't understand why... I have probably an ordering error in my request or yield source code, so perhaps you could help me to find out.

The complete code is on GitHub https://github.com/IDEES-Rouen/Flight-Scrapping/tree/master/flight/flight_project

You could run it using scrapy cawl airports commands.

Update 1 :

I try to answer the question alone using yield from, without success as you can see answer bottom ... so if you have an idea?

like image 475
reyman64 Avatar asked Apr 27 '17 20:04


Video Answer

2 Answers

Yes, i finally found the answer here on SO ...

When you use a recursive yield, you need to use yield from. Here one example simplified :

airport_list = ["airport1", "airport2", "airport3", "airport4"]

def parse_page_departure(airport, next_url, page_urls):

    print(airport, " / ", next_url)

    if not page_urls:

    next_url = page_urls.pop()

    yield from parse_page_departure(airport, next_url, page_urls)

def parse_schedule(next_airport, airport_list):


    departures_list = ["p1", "p2", "p3", "p4"]

    next_departure_url = departures_list.pop()
    yield parse_page_departure(next_airport,next_departure_url, departures_list)

    if not airport_list:
        print("no new airport")

    next_airport_url = airport_list.pop()

    yield from parse_schedule(next_airport_url, airport_list)

next_airport_url = airport_list.pop()
result = parse_schedule(next_airport_url, airport_list)

for i in result:
    for d in i:

UPDATE, Don't WORK with real program :

I try to reproduce the same yield from pattern with the real program here, but i have an error using it on scrapy.Request, don't understand why...

Here the python traceback :

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/reyman/.pyenv/versions/venv352/lib/python3.5/site-packages/scrapy/utils/defer.py", line 102, in iter_errback
    yield next(it)
  File "/home/reyman/.pyenv/versions/venv352/lib/python3.5/site-packages/scrapy/spidermiddlewares/offsite.py", line 29, in process_spider_output
    for x in result:
  File "/home/reyman/.pyenv/versions/venv352/lib/python3.5/site-packages/scrapy/spidermiddlewares/referer.py", line 339, in <genexpr>
    return (_set_referer(r) for r in result or ())
  File "/home/reyman/.pyenv/versions/venv352/lib/python3.5/site-packages/scrapy/spidermiddlewares/urllength.py", line 37, in <genexpr>
    return (r for r in result or () if _filter(r))
  File "/home/reyman/.pyenv/versions/venv352/lib/python3.5/site-packages/scrapy/spidermiddlewares/depth.py", line 58, in <genexpr>
    return (r for r in result or () if _filter(r))
  File "/home/reyman/Projets/Flight-Scrapping/flight/flight_project/spiders/AirportsSpider.py", line 209, in parse_schedule
    yield from scrapy.Request(url, self.parse_schedule, meta={'airport_item': item, 'airport_urls': urls, 'i': i + 1})
TypeError: 'Request' object is not iterable
2017-06-27 17:40:50 [scrapy.core.engine] INFO: Closing spider (finished)
2017-06-27 17:40:50 [scrapy.statscollectors] INFO: Dumping Scrapy stats:
like image 77
reyman64 Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 03:11


Comment: ... not totally clear ... you call AirportData(response, 1) ... also a little typo here : self.pprint(schedule)

I used class AirportData to implement (Limit to 2 Pages and 2 Flights).
Updated my code, removed class AirportData and added class Page.
Should now fullfill all dependencies.

This is not a typo, self.pprint(... is a class AirportsSpider Method used for Pretty Printing the object, like the Output shown at the End. I have enhanced class Schedule to show the Basic Usage.

Comment: What is AirportData in your answer ?

EDIT: class AirportData removed.
As noted at # ENDPOINT, a Page object of Flight Data splited for page.arrivals and page.departures. (Limited to 2 Pages and 2 Flights)

Page = [Flight 1, Flight 1, ... Flight n] 
schedule.airport['arrivals'] == [Page 1, Page 2, ..., Page n]
schedule.airport['departures'] == [Page 1, Page 2, ..., Page n]

Comment: ... we have multiples pages which contains multiples departures/arrivals.

Yes, at the time of first Answer I didn't have any api json respons to get further.
Now I got response from the api json but does not reflect the given timestamp, returns from current date. The api params looking uncommon, have you a link to the Description?

Nevertheless, consider this simplified approach:

# Page object holding one Page of Arrivals/Departures Flight Data

class Page(object):
    def __init__(self, title, schedule):
        # schedule includes ['arrivals'] or ['departures]
        self.current = schedule['page']['current']
        self.total = schedule['page']['total']

        self.header = '{}:page:{} item:{}'.format(title, schedule['page'], schedule['item'])
        self.flight = []
        for data in schedule['data']:

    def __iter__(self):
        yield from self.flight

# Schedule object holding one Airport all Pages

class Schedule(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.country = None
        self.airport = None

    def __str__(self):
        arrivals = self.airport['arrivals'][0]
        departures = self.airport['departures'][0]
        return '{}\n\t{}\n\t\t{}\n\t\t\t{}\n\t\t{}\n\t\t\t{}'. \
                   departures.flight[0]['airline']['name'], )


def parse_schedule(self, response):
    meta = response.meta

    if 'airport' in meta:
        # First call from parse_airports
        schedule = Schedule()
        schedule.country = response.meta['country']
        schedule.airport = response.meta['airport']
        schedule = response.meta['schedule']

    data = json.loads(response.body_as_unicode())
    airport = data['result']['response']['airport']

    schedule.airport['arrivals'].append(Page('Arrivals', airport['pluginData']['schedule']['arrivals']))
    schedule.airport['departures'].append(Page('Departures', airport['pluginData']['schedule']['departures']))

    page = schedule.airport['departures'][-1]
    if page.current < page.total:
        json_url = self.build_api_call(schedule.airport['code_little'], page.current + 1, self.compute_timestamp())
        yield scrapy.Request(json_url, meta={'schedule': schedule}, callback=self.parse_schedule)
        # ENDPOINT Schedule object holding one Airport.
        # schedule.airport['arrivals'] and schedule.airport['departures'] ==
        #   List of Page with List of Flight Data


def parse_airports(self, response):
    country = response.meta['country']

    for airport in response.xpath('//a[@data-iata]'):
        name = ''.join(airport.xpath('./text()').extract()[0]).strip()

        if 'Charles' in name:
            meta = response.meta
            meta['airport'] = AirportItem()
            meta['airport']['name'] = name
            meta['airport']['link'] = airport.xpath('./@href').extract()[0]
            meta['airport']['lat'] = airport.xpath("./@data-lat").extract()[0]
            meta['airport']['lon'] = airport.xpath("./@data-lon").extract()[0]
            meta['airport']['code_little'] = airport.xpath('./@data-iata').extract()[0]
            meta['airport']['code_total'] = airport.xpath('./small/text()').extract()[0]

            json_url = self.build_api_call(meta['airport']['code_little'], 1, self.compute_timestamp())
            yield scrapy.Request(json_url, meta=meta, callback=self.parse_schedule)


Note: response.xpath('//a[@data-country]') returns all Countrys two times!

def parse(self, response):
    for a_country in response.xpath('//a[@data-country]'):
            name = a_country.xpath('./@title').extract()[0]
            if name == "France":
                country = CountryItem()
                country['name'] = name
                country['link'] = a_country.xpath('./@href').extract()[0]

                yield scrapy.Request(country['link'],
                                     meta={'country': country},

Qutput: Shorten to 2 Pages and 2 Flights per Page

    Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport
        Departures:(page=(1, 1, 7)) 2017-07-02 21:28:00 page:{'current': 1, 'total': 7} item:{'current': 100, 'limit': 100, 'total': 696}
            21:30 PM    AF1558  Newcastle Airport (NCL) Air France ARJ  Estimated dep 21:30
            21:30 PM    VY8833  Seville San Pablo Airport (SVQ) Vueling 320 Estimated dep 21:30
            ... (omitted for brevity)
        Departures:(page=(2, 2, 7)) 2017-07-02 21:28:00 page:{'current': 2, 'total': 7} item:{'current': 100, 'limit': 100, 'total': 696}
            07:30 AM    AF1680  London Heathrow Airport (LHR)   Air France 789  Scheduled
            07:30 AM    SN3628  Brussels Airport (BRU)  Brussels Airlines 733   Scheduled
            ... (omitted for brevity)
        Arrivals:(page=(1, 1, 7)) 2017-07-02 21:28:00 page:{'current': 1, 'total': 7} item:{'current': 100, 'limit': 100, 'total': 693}
            16:30 PM    LY325   Tel Aviv Ben Gurion International Airport (TLV) El Al Israel Airlines B739  Estimated 21:29
            18:30 PM    AY877   Helsinki Vantaa Airport (HEL)   Finnair E190    Landed 21:21
            ... (omitted for brevity)
        Arrivals:(page=(2, 2, 7)) 2017-07-02 21:28:00 page:{'current': 2, 'total': 7} item:{'current': 100, 'limit': 100, 'total': 693}
            00:15 AM    AF982   Douala International Airport (DLA)  Air France 772  Scheduled
            23:15 PM    AA44    New York John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK)    American Airlines B763  Scheduled
            ... (omitted for brevity)

Tested with Python: 3.4.2 - Scrapy 1.4.0

like image 32
stovfl Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 01:11
