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Yeoman generator-angular : 'task wiredep' is not in gulpfile & $.useref.restore is not a function

I've just started using Yeoman to scaffold a new Angular app. I followed the installation guide at generator-angular but chose to use gulp instead of grunt for the task runner.

After installation I received error : task 'wiredep' is not in you gulpfile.

I tried running the build using gulp and received error : TypeError: $.useref.restore is not a function

If I run gulp serve, the resulting page does not wire dependencies.

Is there a fix to the errors above?

I noticed that Yeoman uses grunt, and that gulp is experimental, so I guess the above errors are expected. Should I post it as an issue at the generator's GitHub page?

like image 833
Anugerah Erlaut Avatar asked Feb 08 '23 16:02

Anugerah Erlaut

1 Answers

There are few issues in there.

1st issue yeoman is referring to gulp wiredep not gulp bower: rename gulp.task('bower', function ()to { gulp.task('wiredep', function () {

2nd issue is that bower libs are not in the directory: yeoman.app + '/bower_components', but in directory: 'bower_components',

3rd issue .pipe(gulp.dest(yeoman.app + '/views'));is not in the views folder but the .pipe(gulp.dest(yeoman.app ));

So long story short, replace gulp.task('bower', function ...with:

gulp.task('wiredep', function () {
return gulp.src(paths.views.main)
  directory: 'bower_components',
  ignorePath: '..'
.pipe(gulp.dest(yeoman.app ));

Delete the dist folder, run gulp wiredep, gulp and gulp serve or add wiredep task to the build one.

Hope this clarifies it.

like image 120
Patrik Bego Avatar answered Feb 11 '23 05:02

Patrik Bego