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xslt:if how to test for boolean values



I cannot figure out a way to check if the value of an element is "true" or "false".

It's boolean, converted from a dataset. When I select the value, I see it is either "true" or "false", but my test does not get the expected behaviour. (it is always false.) I tried almost everything, this is my first xslt application, so help is appreciated.

      <xsl:if test="ispassive">
            <em>pasif değil</em>
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hazimdikenli Avatar asked Jan 13 '10 20:01


3 Answers

After posting here I realized that my <xsl:if> test was outside my <xsl:for-each> loop.

After repositioning the <xsl:if> conditions, I found out that this works for me.

        <xsl:if test="ispassive='true'">

Comparing the evaluated string value of the ispassive element to 'true' works fine, (which I had tried before, but because I misplaced it in the xslt, it was always failing because it failed to select the ispassive element to evaluate it's value.

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hazimdikenli Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 09:11


Depending how you represent your booleans it could be a lot of things, what does your data look like?

Most likely scenario, false is represented as 0 and true could be any non 0 value.

<xsl:if test="$myvalue = 0">
    -- output if false --

but you're likely better of using xsl:choose

    <xsl:when test="$myvalue = 0">
        -- output if false --
        -- output if true --

You can leave out the otherwise, if you don't need it.

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Kris Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 10:11


This xslt is looking for a node in the current context called ispassive.

So if your xml is

   <ispassive />

You'll get true. Generally, you should specify an xpath to the value you want to check. So if your xml is

      <Node ispassive="true"/>

and you replace

<xsl:if test="ispassive">


<xsl:if test="//@ispassive = 'true'">

Your stylesheet will work as expected.

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Robert Christie Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 11:11

Robert Christie