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xpath where clause




I am trying to build an xpath query on the following xml file:

            <name> album1 </name>
            <artist>artist1 </artist>
            <label> labelA</label>
            <name>album2 </name>
            <artist>artist2 </artist>
            <label> labelB</label>
            <name>album3 </name>
            <artist> artist1 </artist>
            <name>album4 </name>
            <label> labelA</label>


I want to retrieve the following query: select all records (artist, name & year) where label = 'LabelA'.

The XML structure might not be appropiate to display this data but I am getting this stream from another software so, I cannot change it.

Any suggestions?

like image 628
Valkyrie Avatar asked Dec 26 '12 15:12


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1 Answers

This will bring back the full records that contain an album with a label of labelA


You could also use

//records[album/label='labelA']/*[self::year or self::album[label='labelA']]

that will return only the year and the full album that matches the labelA

like image 132
Gabriele Petrioli Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 11:10

Gabriele Petrioli