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XPath expression to find elements whose tag name contains 'Name'

I am a newcomer to XPath.

I am looking for a way to get all elements whose tag name contains a particular string.

For example, if I have XML like below, I want to get all the elements whose tag name contains the word 'Name'. i.e., I want to fetch the following elements: <SquareName>, <RectangleName>, and <ParallelogramName>.

I tried some combinations of name(), contains() etc., but it did not work. Please suggest.

<Objects>  <Four-Sided>    <Square>       <SquareName>ABCD</SquareName>       <Length>4</Length>       <Height>4</Height>       <Colour>Blue</Colour>    </Square>    <Rectangle>       <RectangleName>EFGH</RectangleName>       <Length>10</Length>       <Height>6</Height>       <Colour>Brown</Colour>    </Rectangle>    <Parallelogram>       <ParallelogramName>WXYZ</ParallelogramName>       <Length>12</Length>       <Height>4</Height>       <Colour>Black</Colour>    </Parallelogram> </Four-Sided> </Objects> 
like image 432
user2082317 Avatar asked Feb 18 '13 07:02


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1 Answers

For an XPath solution:

//*[contains(local-name(), 'Name')] 
like image 70
Jens Erat Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 16:09

Jens Erat