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XPATH expression that Matches on the attribute value "true"

I have some XML like this:

  <engine host-ref="blah1.com">
  <property name="foo" value="true"/>
  <property name="bar" value="true"/>
 <engine host-ref="blah2.com">
  <property name="foo" value="true"/>
  <property name="bar" value="false"/>

I want to match on all engine elements that have a child node property with a name equal to "bar" and and value equal to "true". I'm finding the fact that "true" appears in my XML is causing my condition to always evaluate to true in an XPath expression. Is there a way around? I'm using Python and lxml.


My xpath expression is (that isn't working) is: //engine[(property/@name='bar' and property/@value="true")]


like image 528
G-Man Avatar asked Mar 01 '12 17:03


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1 Answers

I want to match on all engine elements

This is:


that have a child node property

Now this becomes:


with a name equal to "bar"

Still more specific:

//engine[property[@name = 'bar']] 

and and value equal to "true".


//engine[property[@name = 'bar' and @value = 'true']] 
like image 55
Dimitre Novatchev Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 18:09

Dimitre Novatchev