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XOR Objective-c


Is there a way to put a condition that return true only if one of the two component return true?

BOOL var1 BOOL var2 

something shorter than if((var1 && !var2) || (!var1 && var2))

Thank you

like image 971
Nicolas Manzini Avatar asked Jul 11 '12 11:07

Nicolas Manzini

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XOR is a bitwise operator, and it stands for "exclusive or." It performs logical operation. If input bits are the same, then the output will be false(0) else true(1).

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(eXclusive OR) A Boolean logic operation that is widely used in cryptography as well as in generating parity bits for error checking and fault tolerance. XOR compares two input bits and generates one output bit. The logic is simple. If the bits are the same, the result is 0. If the bits are different, the result is 1.

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1 Answers

As Objective-C is a superset of C, you simply use the XOR operator from C, which is ^.

like image 178
Cyrille Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09
