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PHP xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx headers


Here is my code where I am trying to send a correct header depedning on a type of a document. I figured out the headers for pdf, doc and docx but I still need to know correct header for Excel and Powerpoint files.

Any help appreciated.

    $document = urldecode($_GET['document']);     $extension = end(explode('.', $document));     $mimeType = '';     switch ($extension) {         case 'pdf':             $mimeType = 'pdf';             break;         case 'doc':             $mimeType = 'msword';             break;         case 'docx':             $mimeType = 'msword';             break;         case 'xls':             $mimeType = '';             break;         case 'xlsx':             $mimeType = '';             break;         case 'ppt':             $mimeType = '';             break;         case 'pptx':             $mimeType = '';             break;     }            header('Content-type: application/' . $mimeType); 
like image 494
Richard Knop Avatar asked Jul 23 '10 12:07

Richard Knop

People also ask

What is Mimetype for XLSX?

application/x-xls. application/vnd. openxmlformats-officedocument. spreadsheetml. sheet (xlsx)

What is the full form of XLSX?

A file with the . xlsx file extension is a Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet (XLSX) file created by Microsoft Excel.

1 Answers









And one of those you have listed is wrong:



like image 197
Mark Baker Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 00:10

Mark Baker