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XNA on iPhone







How could I run a game made with XNA on the iPhone/iTouch? Which steps/tools (existing ones or imaginary...) should be used?

Note: The goal is to avoid modifying existing C# code

If I understand correctly, I must be able to:

  1. Run my XNA code on Mono (monoxna or SilverSprite, promising?)
  2. Run Mono on iPhone (MonoTouch)
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Jodi Avatar asked Jul 16 '09 15:07


People also ask

Do people still use XNA?

Since then, Linux game porter Ethan Lee has also created a reimplementation of XNA derived from MonoGame, called FNA. So while XNA has long been dead and buried, it still lives through MonoGame and FNA, as well as other smaller open source frameworks.

What is Microsoft XNA and do I need it?

The XNA Framework Redistributable provides the necessary runtime components to execute a game on Windows that was developed using Microsoft XNA Game Studio 4.0. This release contains improved functionality as well as new features.

What is FNA vs XNA?

FNA is a reimplementation of the Microsoft XNA Game Studio 4.0 Refresh libraries. FNA is primarily developed by video game porter Ethan Lee, who has shipped more than four dozen ports of XNA games using the exact branch that you see on GitHub today!

2 Answers

Not only is it possible but here is a video of someone doing XnaTouch on MonoTouch: First game to IPhone build with XnaTouch (XNA for IPhone)

Here is the mono article about doing it http://www.mono-project.com/MonoTouch

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Bob The Janitor Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 19:10

Bob The Janitor

I don't believe there is a good answer to your question. XNA doesn't target the iPhone, so the chances of being able to effectively port an XNA game without modifying the C# source code isn't likely to happen.

Instead, I'd recommend that you take a look at the various frameworks that exist to help you craft cross-platform games. Unity often comes up in these discussions, but it isn't free.

If cross-platform isn't your goal, but free iPhone development is, then I'd recommend looking at Cocos.

Edit: The MonoTouch project may be able to assist you in the future, but doesn't help you out right now. Still, it's something to keep an eye on.

Edit: The landscape has changed a lot in the ~5 years since this question was posted. If you have an XNA project that you want to get running on iOS, then Xamarin.iOS (formerly MonoTouch) plus MonoGame is a near-perfect fit. MonoGame is missing a huge chunk of the XNA content pipeline, which means you'll either have to abandon it or have a VS2010 instance somewhere compiling your assets.

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Gabriel Isenberg Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 19:10

Gabriel Isenberg