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XmlSchemaType "date" - without time zone?

I am using java xml annotations like this:

@XmlType(name = "OrganisationUnit", propOrder = {
public class OrganisationUnit {

    @XmlElement(name = "company_id", required = true)
    protected String companyId;

    @XmlElement(name = "valid_from")
    @XmlSchemaType(name = "date")
    protected XMLGregorianCalendar validFrom;

    @XmlElement(name = "valid_to")
    @XmlSchemaType(name = "date")
    protected XMLGregorianCalendar validTo;


However when I make the information available via a REST service, the date elements are displayed with time zones:


I don't fully understand whether the XmlSchemaType date is required to show a time zone or not - but ideally I would like to show the dates without timezones.


How can I do this?

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vikingsteve Avatar asked Oct 03 '14 11:10


1 Answers

Well, reading the documentation sometimes tells you wonderful things, and here's exactly how to do it, with time zone DatatypeConstants.FIELD_UNDEFINED:

private XMLGregorianCalendar dateWithoutTimezone(Date date) throws DatatypeConfigurationException {
    XMLGregorianCalendar xmlGregorianCalendar = DatatypeFactory.newInstance().newXMLGregorianCalendar(calendar);
    return xmlGregorianCalendar;

Hope this helps.

like image 117
vikingsteve Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 18:11
