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XML ElementTree - indexing tags

I have a XML file:

<sentence id="en_BlueRibbonSushi_478218345:2">
   <text>It has great sushi and even better service.</text>
<sentence id="en_BlueRibbonSushi_478218345:3">
   <text>The entire staff was extremely accomodating and tended to my every need.</text>
<sentence id="en_BlueRibbonSushi_478218345:4">
   <text>I&apos;ve been to this restaurant over a dozen times with no complaints to date.</text>

Using XML ElementTree, I would like to insert a tag <Opinion> that has an attribute category=. Say I have a list of chars list = ['a', 'b', 'c'], is it possible to incrementally asign them to each text so I have:

<sentence id="en_BlueRibbonSushi_478218345:2">
   <text>It has great sushi and even better service.</text>
   <Opinion category='a' />
<sentence id="en_BlueRibbonSushi_478218345:3">
   <text>The entire staff was extremely accomodating and tended to my every need.</text>
   <Opinion category='b' />
<sentence id="en_BlueRibbonSushi_478218345:4">
   <text>I&apos;ve been to this restaurant over a dozen times with no complaints to date.</text>
   <Opinion category='c' />

I am aware I can use the sentence id attribute but this would require a lot of restructuring of my code. Basically, I'd like to be able to index each sentence entry to align with my list index.

like image 471
user3058703 Avatar asked Mar 29 '17 14:03


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1 Answers

You can use the SubElement factory function to add elements to the tree. Assuming your XML data is in a variable called data, this will add the elements to your document tree:

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
tree = ET.XML(data)
for elem, category in zip(tree.findall('sentence'), ['a', 'b', 'c']):
    Opinion  = ET.SubElement(elem, 'Opinion')
    Opinion.set('category', category)

ET.dump(tree)  # prints the tree; tree.write('output.xml') is another option
like image 189
cco Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 23:11
