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Python - Calculate ongoing 1 Standard Deviation from linear regression line

I have managed to get a linear regression line for time series data, much thanks to stackoverflow prior. So I have the following plots/line drawn over from python:

Linear Regression Line

I got this regression line with the following code, originally importing price/time series data from a csv file:

ES_1H = pd.read_csv(f4)
ES_1H.rename(columns={'Date/Time': 'Date'}, inplace=True)
ES_1H['Date'] = ES_1H['Date'].reset_index()
ES_1H_Last_300_Periods = ES_1H[-300:]
x = ES_1H_Last_300_Periods['Date']
y = ES_1H_Last_300_Periods['Close']
x = sm.add_constant(x)
ES_1H_LR = pd.ols(y = ES_1H_Last_300_Periods['Close'], x = ES_1H_Last_300_Periods['Date'])
plt.scatter(y = ES_1H_LR.y_fitted.values, x = ES_1H_Last_300_Periods['Date'])

What I'm looking for is to be able to plot/identify 1 standard deviation from the regression line (shown in the picture above). Most of the above code is just to conform the data to successfully be able to plot the regression line - change the Date/Time data so it will work in the ols formula, cut off the data to the last 300 periods and so on. But I am not sure how to grab 1 standard deviation from the line that is drawn via linear regression.

So ideally what I'm looking for would look something like this:

Linear Regression channel

...with the yellow lines being 1 standard deviation away from the regression line. Does anyone know how to get 1 standard deviation from the linear regression line here? For reference, here are the stats for linear regression:

Linear Regression Stats

edit: For reference here's what I ended up doing:

plt.scatter(y = ES_1D_LR.y_fitted.values, x = ES_1D_Last_30_Periods['Date'])
plt.scatter(y = ES_1D_Last_30_Periods.Close, x = ES_1D_Last_30_Periods.Date)
plt.scatter(y = ES_1D_LR.y_fitted.values - np.std(ES_1D_LR.y_fitted.values), x = ES_1D_Last_30_Periods.Date)
plt.scatter(y = ES_1D_LR.y_fitted.values + np.std(ES_1D_LR.y_fitted.values), x = ES_1D_Last_30_Periods.Date)
like image 883
Cole Starbuck Avatar asked Feb 15 '17 19:02

Cole Starbuck

2 Answers

IIUC you can do it this way:

In [185]: x = np.arange(100)

In [186]: y = x*0.6

In [187]: plt.scatter(x, y, c='b')
Out[187]: <matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0xc512390>

In [188]: plt.scatter(x, y - np.std(y), c='y')
Out[188]: <matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0xc683940>

In [189]: plt.scatter(x, y + np.std(y), c='y')
Out[189]: <matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0xc69a550>


enter image description here

like image 157
MaxU - stop WAR against UA Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 17:09

MaxU - stop WAR against UA

I just wanted to achieve the same thing. Here's how I did it.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

Given this data:

plt.plot(time, price)
plt.plot(time, predicted_price)

enter image description here

Plot a window around the predicted_price regression line:

sq_dis = (price - predicted_price) ** 2
limit = (sq_dis.mean() + sq_dis.std()) * 0.3 # < - adjust window here
filter = np.abs(sq_dis) < limit
plt.plot(time, price)
plt.plot(time, predicted_price)
plt.plot(time[filter], price[filter])

enter image description here

like image 37
James Schinner Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09

James Schinner