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xhtml2pdf ImportError - Django

I installed xhtml2pdf using pip for use with Django. I am getting the following ImportError:

Reportlab Toolkit Version 2.2 or higher needed

But I have reportlab 3.0

>>> import reportlab
>>> print reportlab.Version                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

I found this try catch block in the __init__.py of xhtml2pdf:


The following Python packages are required for PISA:
- Reportlab Toolkit >= 2.2 <http://www.reportlab.org/>
- HTML5lib >= 0.11.1 <http://code.google.com/p/html5lib/>

Optional packages:
- pyPDF <http://pybrary.net/pyPdf/>
- PIL <http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/>


log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    from xhtml2pdf.util import REPORTLAB22

    if not REPORTLAB22:
        raise ImportError, "Reportlab Toolkit Version 2.2 or higher needed"
except ImportError, e:
    import sys

    sys.stderr.write(REQUIRED_INFO % e)
    log.error(REQUIRED_INFO % e)

There's also another error in the util.py:

if not (reportlab.Version[0] == "2" and reportlab.Version[2] >= "1"):

Shouldn't that read something like:

if not (reportlab.Version[:3] >="2.1"):

What gives?

like image 764
hanleyhansen Avatar asked Feb 27 '14 17:02


1 Answers

In util.py edit the following lines:

if not (reportlab.Version[0] == "2" and reportlab.Version[2] >= "1"):
    raise ImportError("Reportlab Version 2.1+ is needed!")

REPORTLAB22 = (reportlab.Version[0] == "2" and reportlab.Version[2] >= "2")

And set to:

if not (reportlab.Version[:3] >="2.1"):
    raise ImportError("Reportlab Version 2.1+ is needed!")

REPORTLAB22 = (reportlab.Version[:3] >="2.1")


While the above works it still uses string literals for version checking. There's a pull request in the xhtml2pdf project with a more elegant solution that compares versions using tuples of integers. This is the proposed solution:

_reportlab_version = tuple(map(int, reportlab.Version.split('.')))
if _reportlab_version < (2,1):
    raise ImportError("Reportlab Version 2.1+ is needed!")

REPORTLAB22 = _reportlab_version >= (2, 2)
like image 176
hanleyhansen Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 04:10
