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Proper way of using properties with try and except

I have classes that have attributes set with @property decorator. They function as getter and setter using try and except clauses inside them. If attribute is not set, it gets data from database and uses it to instatiate objects from other classes. I tried to keep the example short, but the code used to instantiate attribute objects is a little different with each attribute. What they have in common is the try-except at the beginning.

class SubClass(TopClass):

    def thing(self):
            return self._thing
        except AttributeError:
            # We don't have any thing yet
        thing = get_some_thing_from_db('thing')
        if not thing:
            raise AttributeError()
        self._thing = TheThing(thing)
        return self._thing

    def another_thing(self):
            return self._another_thing
        except AttributeError:
            # We don't have things like this yet
        another_thing = get_some_thing_from_db('another') 
        if not another_thing:
            raise AttributeError()
        self._another_thing = AnotherThing(another_thing)
        return self._another_thing


    def one_more_thing(self):
            return self._one_more_thing
        except AttributeError:
            # We don't have this thing yet
        one_thing = get_some_thing_from_db('one') 
        if not one_thing:
            raise AttributeError()
        self._one_more_thing = OneThing(one_thing)
        return self._one_more_thing

My question: is this a proper (e.g. pythonic) way of doing stuff? To me it seems a bit awkward to add the try-except-segment on top of everything. On the other hand it keeps the code short. Or is there a better way of defining attributes?

like image 593
Gemmu Avatar asked Apr 19 '13 07:04


People also ask

When to use try except?

A try block allows you to handle an expected error. The except block should only catch exceptions you are prepared to handle. If you handle an unexpected error, your code may do the wrong thing and hide bugs.

How can the try except statements handle errors in Python?

The Python try… except statement runs the code under the “try” statement. If this code does not execute successfully, the program will stop at the line that caused the error and the “except” code will run. The try block allows you to test a block of code for errors.

1 Answers

So long as you are using at least Python 3.2, use the functools.lru_cache() decorator.

import functools
class SubClass(TopClass):

    def thing(self):
        thing = get_some_thing_from_db('thing')
        if not thing:
            raise AttributeError()
        return TheThing(thing)

A quick runnable example:

>>> import functools
>>> class C:
    def foo(self):
        print("Called foo")
        return 42

>>> c = C()
>>> c.foo
Called foo
>>> c.foo

If you have a lot of these you can combine the decorators:

>>> def lazy_property(f):
    return property(functools.lru_cache()(f))

>>> class C:
    def foo(self):
        print("Called foo")
        return 42

>>> c = C()
>>> c.foo
Called foo
>>> c.foo

If you are still on an older version of Python there's a fully featured backport of lru_cache on ActiveState although as in this case you're not passing any parameters when you call it you could probably replace it with something much simpler.

@YAmikep asks how to access the cache_info() method of lru_cache. It's a little bit messy, but you can still access it through the property object:

>>> C.foo.fget.cache_info()
CacheInfo(hits=0, misses=1, maxsize=128, currsize=1)
like image 82
Duncan Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 08:09
