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XDocument.Save() without header

I am editing csproj files with Linq-to-XML and need to save the XML without the <?XML?> header.

As XDocument.Save() is missing the necessary option, what's the best way to do this?

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laktak Avatar asked Apr 20 '09 08:04


2 Answers

You can do this with XmlWriterSettings, and saving the document to an XmlWriter:

XDocument doc = new XDocument(new XElement("foo",
    new XAttribute("hello","world")));

XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings();
settings.OmitXmlDeclaration = true;
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
using (XmlWriter xw = XmlWriter.Create(sw, settings))
// or to write to a file...
//using (XmlWriter xw = XmlWriter.Create(filePath, settings))
string s = sw.ToString();
like image 168
Marc Gravell Avatar answered Dec 01 '22 01:12

Marc Gravell

A simpler solution than the accepted answer is to use XDocument.ToString() to get the XML text without the header.


// Load the file
XDocument xDocument = XDocument.Load(fileName);

// Edit the XML...

// Save the edited XML text to file
File.WriteAllText(fileName, xDocument.ToString());
like image 31
Eliahu Aaron Avatar answered Dec 01 '22 00:12

Eliahu Aaron