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xcodebuild, missing iOS simulator sdk

I'm automating the building process for an iOS project. Everything was fine... but now I have to support iOS 4, what I have installed is the iOS simulator 4.3 (Xcode : Preferences > Downloads > Components).

Inside xcode I have these options:

  • iOS device
  • iPad simulator 5.0
  • iPad simulator 5.1
  • iPhone simulator 5.0
  • iPhone simulator 5.1

There is no 4.3

From command line

$ xcodebuild -showsdks
Mac OS X SDKs:
    Mac OS X 10.6                   -sdk macosx10.6
    Mac OS X 10.7                   -sdk macosx10.7

    iOS 5.0                         -sdk iphoneos5.0

iOS Simulator SDKs:
    Simulator - iOS 5.0             -sdk iphonesimulator5.0

There is no 4.3


  1. Where is the 4.3 simulator installed?
  2. What sdk value should a pass to xcodebuild for the 4.3 simulator?

Thanks guys.

like image 826
subzero Avatar asked Apr 27 '12 19:04


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1 Answers

The simulator SDK's are located at /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs

You can use the following xcodebuild (/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/xcodebuild) command:

xcodebuild -target $target -sdk $sdk -configuration $configuration

where $target is the target name specified in the project, $sdk could be taken from the output of the command you used to see the available SDK's (iphoneos5.0, iphonesimulator5.0) and $configuration could be AdHoc, AppStore or whatever else you have setup in the project.

For the missing SDK issue you could check the item status at Xcode : Preferences > Downloads > Components to be Installed and check the folder iPhoneSimulator4.3.sdk exists at the SDK's location. If it does but still not displayed as installed, you could consider removing and reinstalling it or reinstall the Xcode completely.

like image 162
A-Live Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 12:10
