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xcode7 not showing simulator iOS 9.0 destination options

Installed the Xcode 7 beta. Can't run any code because Xcode only seems to allow me to choose "iOS Device" destination and none of the sim devices I would normally expect. The project is set to iOS 9.0 target and Universal. And it's a basic, new project.

Here's what I tried:

  1. Changing the target to iOS 8.0, then I see sim devices. But I want to run iOS 9.0
  2. Xcode Menu > Preferences > Downloads > only see iOS 8.3, 8.2 downloadable... don't see mention of iOS 9.0
  3. Xcode Menu > Open Developer Tools. See option for iOS Simulator and iOS Simulator (Watch). If I open iOS Simulator (not the watch), it opens up iOS Simulator 9.0 but running a watch
  4. So looks like the iOS 9 simulator is installed but only for the watch. Odd.
  5. Xcode Menu > Preferences > Locations > switched Command Line Tools to Xcode 7.0
like image 505
Nick McConnell Avatar asked Dec 03 '22 16:12

Nick McConnell

1 Answers

OK found it... go to window > devices, hit "+" there and add an iOS 9.0 simulator. Weird... don't remember ever having to do this before (the simulators for all the iOS version / physical device types) just were there automatically.

like image 155
Nick McConnell Avatar answered Dec 23 '22 15:12

Nick McConnell