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xcode valid signing identity not found

I can't find the solution for this problem for 2 weeks!!! That is enormous.

When I try to validate my app I face an error. Xcode shows: Valid signing identity for ... not found. I don't know what do and I have tried a lot. Please help.

Here are the print-screens:

Image1 http://img838.imageshack.us/img838/9749/20120910195154.png Full Size

Image2 http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/9126/20120910195440.png Full Size

like image 219
Ash Var Avatar asked Sep 10 '12 16:09

Ash Var

People also ask

How do I enable signing in Xcode?

Open the project using Xcode. Select the root project directory, and go to the Signing and Capabilities tab. Here, you can either check Automatically manage signing or do the signing manually. If you check the Automatically manage signing checkbox, then you will just need to select the Team from the drop-down list.

Where is Code Signing Identity in Xcode?

In Xcode an integrated development environment (IDE), it appears as an option in the build setting as a list option from which developers can select the Identity to be used for CodeSign.

How can I see my signing certificate in Xcode?

You can check the profile detail, preview it(I prefer using Space bar) and under Certificate section, you can get the detail. Otherwise, login to apple developer portal and edit the profile to check the certificate used to create the profile.

1 Answers

I think deleting all the certificates and re-making them should solve your problem

Check out the top answer in this thread for steps to do the same

Xcode could not find a valid private-key certificate pair for this profile in your keychain

like image 108
Azeem Shaikh Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 15:10

Azeem Shaikh