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Force Xcode to jump to implementation and not interface using jump to definition

After I updated to 4.3.3 Xcode started to jump to interfaces instead implementations. Same with open quickly it doesn't show me implementation files, only headers. Is there same way to fix it?

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Martin Avatar asked Jun 24 '12 06:06


1 Answers

I don't know of a way to choose whether Xcode jumps directly to either the interface or the implementation.

However, if you are looking at the interface, you can jump to the implementation by command-clicking the name in the interface. If you are looking at the implementation, you can jump to the interface by command-clicking the name in the implementation.

This works for both class names and selectors. Thus you are never more than two command-clicks from both the interface and the implementation (if Xcode knows where to find them).

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rob mayoff Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 01:09

rob mayoff