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xcode settings -- path to link map file -- what is it?

Can anyone explain what this setting means, and what it does?

EDIT: Thank you for the answers. Got it about the crash reports. Let me ask this -- does the link map file have any impact on my app's execution?

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William Jockusch Avatar asked Feb 07 '11 20:02

William Jockusch

1 Answers

A link map file is a text file that details where data, code, etc lives inside your executable. Very handy for stack traces when your program crashes, and for examining memory.

Just ask Xcode to make one, and then open it in textedit or whatever. You'll see all your method names and variable names, alongside addresses.

If you submit your app to the app store, it's vital you keep your map file, so if Apple manage to crash your app, you'll stand a better chance of making head or tail of the crash report.

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Dave Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09
