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Xcode Preview Resume Button Shortcut


Is there a keyboard-shortcut to click the resume button in the canvas on Xcode Previews, instead of clicking it every time?

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SwiftiSwift Avatar asked Jul 08 '19 20:07


People also ask

How do I resume preview in Xcode?

If you make significant code changes, Xcode pauses the preview. You can resume the preview by clicking the Resume button in the top right or by pressing Command + Option + P.

How do I show and hide preview in Xcode?

Answer: A: If by Xcode preview you mean the SwiftUI preview, there's a tiny button above the source code editor with a bunch of horizontal lines. Click that button and select Canvas to hide the SwiftUI preview.

How do I refresh preview in Xcode?

Editor menu > Canvas > Refresh Canvas This will refresh your preview and start the automatic update again. Press command + option + p keys to trigger refresh canvas.

1 Answers

[Command]+[Option]+[P] is what you're looking for.

Xcode screenshot

like image 91
arsenius Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09
