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How do you get WatiN to work on Windows Server 2008 with IE8?


My problem is that I cannot get a simple WatiN test to reliably work on my development machine which is running Windows Server 2008 and IE8.

I have seen a couple of good posts on this, but am still having problems. Here are the posts:

  • MSDN Testing Article
  • Stack Overflow - WatiN Second Method Fails

The steps in the first article seemed to help (comment out "::1" in my hosts file, put my site(s) in trusted sites, and making sure my app.config has "STA" and is set to "copy if newer", but they did not help reliably. I tried the code from the second example hoping that it would help but it did not. I am using WatiN version 2.0 beta 1.

My NUnit code looks like the following:

protected Browser Browser { get; set; }  [TestFixtureSetUp] public void SetupPriorToTestsInThisFixture() {     Browser = new IE();     Browser.GoTo(Constants.SiteCollectionUrl); }  [TestFixtureTearDown] public void TearDownAfterTestsInThisFixture() {     if (Browser != null)     {         Browser.Dispose();     } }  [Test] public void WaterThroughThePipes() {     Link link = Browser.Link(Find.ByText("Calendar"));     bool exists = link.Exists;     Assert.That(exists, Is.True, "Could not find 'Calendar' link."); } 

What I'm seeing is that sometimes (albeit rarely) my test passes. Sometimes the assertion fails (exists = false), sometimes I get a timeout when trying to open the browser, and sometimes I get an error trying to access link.Exists.

The error accessing link.Exists looks like:

MyFixture.WaterThroughThePipes: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException : The interface is unknown. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706B5)

I can't seem to reproduce the timeout error now so I can't provide that at the moment (although this used to happen all of the time).

I tend to see different results when running this in debug mode vs. not running in debug mode.

For what it's worth, Firefox 3.0.6 has never worked for me. I'd like it to, but need IE to work regardless. Here is the error I get with Firefox.

MyFixture (TestFixtureSetUp): WatiN.Core.Native.Mozilla.FireFoxException : Unable to connect to jssh server, please make sure you have correctly installed the jssh.xpi plugin ----> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException : No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

Any ideas? I really don't want to go back to Selenium (been there, done that), but I may have to.

like image 973
Kirk Liemohn Avatar asked Jun 18 '09 19:06

Kirk Liemohn

Video Answer

2 Answers

Run Visual Studio as Administrator

like image 104
Craig Lebowitz Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09

Craig Lebowitz

I was able to get this COM error to go away -- and get my tests running normally -- by adjusting my Internet Security settings to "Enable Protected Mode" even for Local Intranet sites. This single checkbox made all the difference. (And I don't have to run Visual Studio as Administrator.)

See this blog post for fixing this problem without running Visual Studio as Administrator.


In Internet Explorer, open Tools -> Internet Options -> Security -> Local intranet and check the box "Enable Protected Mode."

I'm running IE 8 and Visual Studio 2010 on Windows 7.

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David Crosby Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09

David Crosby