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How to detect Mac OS version using Python?


My application is assumed to be running on a Mac OS X system. However, what I need to do is figure out what version of Mac OS (or Darwin) it is running on, preferably as a number. For instance,

  • "10.4.11" would return either 10.4 or 8
  • "10.5.4" would return 10.5 or 9
  • "10.6" would return 10.6 or 10

I found out that you could do this, which returns "8.11.0" on my system:

import os os.system("uname -r") 

Is there a cleaner way to do this, or at least a way to pull the first number from the result? Thanks!

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Chris Long Avatar asked Nov 22 '09 00:11

Chris Long

People also ask

Can Python detect OS?

uname() method in python is used to get information about the current operating system. This method returns information like name, release, and version of the current operating system, name of the machine on the network, and hardware identifier in the form of attributes of a tuple-like object.

What version of Python do I have Mac?

On your Mac, you'll use the pre-installed Terminal app to view your Python version. Launch Terminal by first opening Spotlight (using the Command+Space shortcut) and then searching for and clicking on “Terminal.” Your current Python version will be displayed.

What is OS name in Python?

os.name: The name of the operating system dependent module imported. The following names have currently been registered: 'posix', 'nt', 'java'.

1 Answers

>>> import platform >>> platform.mac_ver() ('10.5.8', ('', '', ''), 'i386') 

As you see, the first item of the tuple mac_ver returns is a string, not a number (hard to make '10.5.8' into a number!-), but it's pretty easy to manipulate the 10.x.y string into the kind of numbers you want. For example,

>>> v, _, _ = platform.mac_ver() >>> v = float('.'.join(v.split('.')[:2])) >>> print v 10.5 

If you prefer the Darwin kernel version rather than the MacOSX version, that's also easy to access -- use the similarly-formatted string that's the third item of the tuple returned by platform.uname().

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Alex Martelli Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 07:10

Alex Martelli